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 LIFE STORY OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA | CPMPLETE BIOGRAPHY PART -4 The Colombian Exposition and Chicago in 1893.  Vivekananda left bombing on 31st of May, 1893 and reached Chicago on 30th of July via Colombo. Penal, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canton, Nagasaki, Kubi, Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Yokohama, Vancouver and Winnipeg. Soon after his arrival in Chicago, he went to the Information Bureau of the Exposition and heard some heart trending news. The forthcoming parliament of religions would not. open before the second week of September, no one without credentials from a bonafide organization would be accepted as a delegate.  And the date to be registered as a delegate had passed. Moreover, he knew no one in Chicago and did not have sufficient money to pay the exorbitant hotel charges. He managed to stay in Chicago for nearly two weeks and observed the world's fair, which hadn't arranged in connection with the 400th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America Mary Lewis Burke states the

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Autobiography 04

I joined the RDL on the first of June 1982 to the horror of many old timers. I started inviting people from the Indian Institute of science, Indian Institutes of Technology, Council for scientific and industrial research. Tata Institute of fundamental research and many other educational institutions were related experts could be found by. fact that the stuffy work centers of DRDL needed a breath of fresh air. I made a presentation in the South block, although some questions are ambitious proposal. Everyone was excited about the idea of India having her own missile systems. When the defense Minister, R Venkatram, suggested that we launch an integrated guided missile program instead of making missiles in phases, we could not believe our ears. The proposal of missile development project had been turned overnight into the blueprint of an integrated program with far reaching consequences. When I presented the government sanction letter before the missile Technology Committee at DRDL, they were induced with fire and action. The proposed projects were christened in accordance with the spirit of India's self reliance. Thus the surface to surface weapon system became put 3 the earth, the tactical coefficient was called tissue. The Trident of Lordship, the surface to parent defense sister, was named Akash the sky and the anti-tak missile project narcotra I gave the name Agni Fire to my long cherished dream of rex reentry experimental launch bake. Dr Arunachalam came to DRDL and formally launched a integrated guided missile development program on the 27th of July. 1983. It was a great event in which every single employee of DRDL participated. Everybody who was somebody in Indian Aerospace Research was invited. This was the second most significant day in my career Next only to the 18th of July 1918 when the SLV 3 had launched Rohini into the Earth's orbit. The launch of the integrated guided missile development program was like a bright flash on the Indian scientific firmament. The side technology had been considered the domain of a few selected nations in the world. People were curious to see how we were going to achieve all that was promised. We were at a meeting laying down the targets for 1984 when new stream of Dr Trump Prakash's death on evening the 3rd of January at Bombay. It was a great. it was a great emotional loss for me. His compassion and humility were exemplary. His healing touch on the day of the field. SLVE one flight surfaced in my memory serving to take a missile. If Professor Sarathi was the creator of VSSC Dr. Prakash was the executor. He had nurtured the institution when it most needed nourishment. His humility mellowed me and helped me discard my aggressive approach. His humility did not consist merely in being modest about his talents or virtues, but in respecting the dignity of all those who worked under and in recognizing the fact that no one is infallible, not even the leader He was an intellectual giant with a failed constitution. He had a child like innocence and I've always considered him a Saint among scientists. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi expressed her desire to personally enterprise himself of the progress of the integrated, guided missile development program. The entire organization was filled with an order of excitement. On the 19th of July, 1984 Shrinathi Gandhi Gandhi visited DRDA. Prime Minister Indra Gandhi was a person with a tremendous sense of pride in herself, in her work and in her country. The esteem in which she held our work in the field of guided missiles boosted our moral in Mexico. We were working on the action plan that had emerged from the earlier months of you and the news of Shrimati Gandhi's assassination, broke. Shrimati Gandhi's death was a tremendous loss to the sidewick community. She had given him the scientific research in the country. Her son, Rajiv Gandhi, took over as the new prime minister of India. He went to the polls and obtained a mandate from the people to carry forward the policies of Mrs Gandhi, the integrated guided missile development program being a part of. work one to three was nearing completion when we entered 1988. But three was launched at 1123 hours on the 25th of February. It was an epoch making event in the history of rocketry in the country. Prateree was not merely a surface to surface missile. It was in fact the basic module for all future guided missiles in the country. The launch of Prithvi sent shock news across the unfriendly neighboring countries. The response of the western block was initially 1 of shock and then of anger. A 7 nation technology embargo is clamped, making it impossible for India to buy anything even remotely connected with the development of guided missiles The emergence of India is a self reliant country in the field of guided missiles upset all the developed nations of the world. The ugly team was comprised of more than 500 scientists. Many organizations were network to undertake this huge effort of launching Agni. The Agni launch had been scheduled for the 20th of April 1989. This was going to be an unprecedented exercise. Unlike space launch vehicles. or missile launch involves wide ranging safety hazards All activities preparatory to the launch went according to schedule. We had decided to move the people living in nearby villages to safety at the time of the launch. This attracted media attention and led to much controversy by the. time the 20th of April 1989 arrived the whole nation was watching us. Foreign pressure was exerted through diplomatic channels to abort the flight trial when the Indian government stood behind us like a rock and staved off any destruction to our world We were at T14 seconds in the computer signal indicating that one of the instruments was functioning erratically. This was immediately rectified. Meanwhile, the down train station asked for a home in another few seconds multiple holes were necessitated and this resulted in irreversible internal mark consumption. We had to abort the launch The missile had to be opened up to replace the on board bar supplies. The press was up in arms and feared at various interpretations of the postponement of the flight to suit the fantasies of their leadership. Cartoonist Sudhir Dhar sketched the shopkeeper, returning the product to the salesman, saying that, like Agni, it would not take off. Another cartoonist showed one apni scientist explaining that the launch was postponed because the press button did not make contact with him. Hindustan Times showed a leader consoling press reporters. There is no need for any alarm. It's a purely peaceful, nonviolent design Conducted virtually along the clock for the next 10 days. Our scientists had the missile ready for launch on the 1st of May, 1989. But again, during the automatic computer checkout. at deep 10 seconds, a whole signal was indicated. A closer inspection showed that one of the control components, SUNTVC, was not working according to the mission requirements. The launch had to postpone yet again. Now, such things are very common in rocket. and quite often happen in other countries too, but the expected nation was in no more to appreciate our difficulties. The Hindu carried a cartoon by Keshav, showing a villager counting some currency notes and commenting to another. Yes, it's the compensation for moving away from a hut near the test site. A few more postponements, and I can build a house of my own. Another cartoonist designated Agmi has I. D. B. M. Intermittently delayed ballistic missile. Amoeb's cartoon suggested that what Agni needed was to use their butter as few. Detailed analysis of the component failure during the second attempt led to the refurbishment of the control system. Finally, the launch was scheduled for the 22nd of May The previous night, Dr Arunachal General Key and Singh and I were working together with the Defense Minister, KC Park. It was a full moonlight. It was high time and the wheels crashed and rolled as if singing of God's clerk in power. would we succeed with the Agni launch tomorrow? This question was foremost in all our minds.

                                                Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam 


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