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 LIFE STORY OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA | CPMPLETE BIOGRAPHY PART -4 The Colombian Exposition and Chicago in 1893.  Vivekananda left bombing on 31st of May, 1893 and reached Chicago on 30th of July via Colombo. Penal, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canton, Nagasaki, Kubi, Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Yokohama, Vancouver and Winnipeg. Soon after his arrival in Chicago, he went to the Information Bureau of the Exposition and heard some heart trending news. The forthcoming parliament of religions would not. open before the second week of September, no one without credentials from a bonafide organization would be accepted as a delegate.  And the date to be registered as a delegate had passed. Moreover, he knew no one in Chicago and did not have sufficient money to pay the exorbitant hotel charges. He managed to stay in Chicago for nearly two weeks and observed the world's fair, which hadn't arranged in connection with the 400th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America Mary Lewis Burke states the


The Colombian Exposition and Chicago in 1893. 

Vivekananda left bombing on 31st of May, 1893 and reached Chicago on 30th of July via Colombo. Penal, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canton, Nagasaki, Kubi, Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Yokohama, Vancouver and Winnipeg. Soon after his arrival in Chicago, he went to the Information Bureau of the Exposition and heard some heart trending news. The forthcoming parliament of religions would not. open before the second week of September, no one without credentials from a bonafide organization would be accepted as a delegate.

 And the date to be registered as a delegate had passed. Moreover, he knew no one in Chicago and did not have sufficient money to pay the exorbitant hotel charges. He managed to stay in Chicago for nearly two weeks and observed the world's fair, which hadn't arranged in connection with the 400th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America Mary Lewis Burke states the primary purpose of the world's Columbia Exposition of 1893 was to bring together the fruits of man's material progress. Everything imaginable was an exhibit. Not only the achievements of Western civilization, but the better to show these all life size models of the more backward cultures of the world. God plays a mysterious veins. Someone suggested that Vivekananda go to Boston. We are living expenses would be much lower.

 Earlier on the train from Vancouver to Chicago, he had met Kathryn Sanborn of Boston. She had invited him to be her guest, so he now left for Boston to stay with her. She introduced the Swami to John Wright, a professor of Greek at Howard University. He wrote some introductory lenders for Vivekananda to some of his friends who were connected with the Parliament. Here is a man who learned that all our learned professors put together. In addition, Professor Wright bought the Swami's railroad ticket back to Chicago. It was late evening when Vivekananda arrived in Chicago. Unfortunately, he had lost the address of the committee in charge of Parliament delegates. He did not know where to turn for help, and no one came forward to assist the strange looking for another. Swamiji spent his first night without food in an empty vacant that he found in the railroad station. The next morning, by divine Providence, he met Mrs George W Hale. She took him into her home and later introduced him to her personal friend, Dr JH Barrows, the president of the parliament. through him, the Swami was accepted as a representative of Hinduism and was lodged with the other delegates. The worst parliament of allegiance was one of the most significant events in the history of the world,

 because this was the first time all great religions of the world assembled on the same platform. On 11th of September, 1893 in the opening session of the parliament, Nivekananda reiterated the eternal message of Velantha as the different streams having their sources in different places all mingle their watering the sea. So O Lord, the different parts which men take through different tendencies. Various though they may appear, crooked or straight, all lead to the Mrs S Klogit, an American lady who first saw Vivekananda at the parliament, said letter. I was at the Parliament of religions at Chicago in 1893. And when that young man Vivekananda got up and said sister. and brothers of America, 7000 people rose to their feet as a tribute to something. They knew not what when it was over. I saw scores of women walking over the benches to get near him. And I said to myself, well, my dad, if you can resist that onslaught, you are indeed a god. On 27th September 1893. in the final session of the parliament.

 Vivekananda concluded his speech. If the. Parliament of religious has shown anything to the world, it is this. It has proved to the world that holiness purity and charity are not the exclusive possessions of any church in the world and that every system has produced men and women of the most exalted character in the face of this evidence. If anybody dreams of the exclusive survival of his own religion and the destruction of the others, I pity him from the bottom of my heart and point out to him that upon the banner of every religion will soon be. soon be written in spite of resistance. Help and not fight assimilation and not destruction. Harmony and peace and not dissension.

I have a message to the West. The American news media gave Vivekananda a great deal of publicity, and he became widely known. The homes of some of the wealthiest people of American society were opened to him. And he was received as an honored guest. But Swamiji never swayed from his monastic ideals or from the service he had set out to perform. He became lecturing all over the Midwest as well as on the East Coast and in some southern states of the usa. Vivekananda founded the Vedanta Society of New York in November 1894. the 30th of December, 1894. And the Brooklyn Ethical Society saw which he declared. I have a. message to the West, as Buddha had a message to the east Vivekananda taught Vedanta to the West, the universal philosophy and religion of the Uber issues, which originated thousands of years ago in India. Western audiences heard something new in his powerful words.

 Sectarianism, bigetry, superstition, intolerance was swept aside to make room for the harmony of all religions. It was an overwhelming message of goodwill and brotherly love. The Swami had little patience with the constant harping on original sin in the West. Road Swami Adulananda a western monk. Why do you dwell on sin so much? He exclaimed. You are heirs of immortal bless. The Hindus refused to call you sinners. You are the children of God, wholly and perfect beings. It is a sin to call man a sinner. It is reliable on human nature. Atulananda continued. Does the Swami cleared the theological atmosphere of the West? He sounded the trumpet call of glad tidings, of hope, of cheer, of salvation for all, and a new thought wave stepped over America. The Swami brought the Gospel of the Divinity of human beings. So me Vivekananda had come to speak the truth, not to flatter the American nation to win their applause and sympathy. 

He had great reverence for Christ and his teachings, but he saw flaws in Karant Christianity in Detroit before a large audience. He exclaimed, I have come to make you better Christians. Remember, Christ saying, blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. Everything that has selfishness for its basis must perish. If you want to live, go back to Christ. Go back to him who had nowhere to lay his head. Go back to him. Better be ready to live in rags with Christ than to live in palaces without him. Vivekananda redefined religion for his western audience, saying, You must bear in mind that religion does not consist in talk or doctrines or books. But in realization, it is not learning, but being the whole religion said that he was an accused who did not believe in God. The new religion says that he is an atheist who does not believe in himself. Religion is the idea which is raising the brute unto men. And men unto God, take religion from human society. And what will remain? Nothing but a forest of crutes. Since happiness is not the goal of humanity, wisdom is the goal of all life. So supreme goal of human life, according to Vivekananda, is to manifest the Divinity that is within all beings. How is this done? Vivekananda described the methods in detail in his talks on the 4 yoga. Karma yoga, the part of unselfish action, not the yoga, the path of devotion. Nyana yoga, the path of knowledge. And Raja Yoga, the path of meditation.

 These yogas, or spiritual paths, help people to unite themselves with God or Brahman, so they can overcome all the weaknesses and problems in their lives and attain supreme bless and freedom. Cliff is always simple as the teachings of all great teachers of the world demonstrate. Since Vivekananda ad himself experienced the ultimate reality, he could make the truths of Vedanta understandable to all. He wrote to her office disciples to put. the Hindu ideas into English and then make out of dry philosophy and intricate mythology and Queer. Startling psychology, a religion which shall be easy, simple, popular and at the same time, meet the requirements of the highest minds. Is a task only those can understand who have attempted it. The try abstract adverta must become living poetic in everyday life, out of hopelessly intricate mycology must come concrete moral phones. And out of bebildering yogaism must come the most scientific and practical psychology. And all this must be put in a form so that a child may grasp it. 

That is my life's work. Establishing the Vedanta movement in the West. During his. lecture tour, Vivekananda came in contact with many well known western personalities. Robert Ingersoll, the famous corator and agnostic caution Swamiji not to be too old because people were intolerant of alien religious ideas. 50 years ago, he said you would have been hacked if you had come to breach in this country what you would have been burnt alive. You would have been stoned out of the villages if you had come even much later. The Great. Electrical inventor. Nikuna Tesla was impressed hearing Swamiji talk about the Vedantic Pranav Energy. Akash space and the Kalpaz cycles, which according to Tesla were the only theories modern science could entertain. Vivekananda also met John D Rock Feller and the Swami tried to help him understand that God had given him wealth so that he might have an opportunity to do good to others.

 Rock fella was annoyed that anyone would dare talk to him that way. He'll. left the room without even saying goodbye. A week later he visited Swamiji and brought a paper that sent forth his plans to donate an enormous sum of money to a public institution. Then. there you are, he said. You must be satisfied now and you can thank me for it. Swamiji quietly read it and said it is for you to thank me Harriet Monroe and Ella Wheeler Wilcox, 2 famous American poets. Her Vivekananda's lectures and became his great admirers. Swamiji also left a lasting impression on Professor William James of Howard University. Dr Louis G James, President of the Brooklyn Ethical Association, Mrs JJ Bagley, the wife of the Governor of Michigan. Sarah farmer, the founder of Green Acre Conference, Mrs Sarah Sipan, the wife of Old Bull, the celebrated Norwegian wildest. Sarah Benhart, the famous French actress. And Madame Emma curve, the well known French opera singer, Curve wrote in her autobiography. It has been my good fortune and my joy to know a man who truly walked with God. A noble being, a st a philosopher and a true friend. His influence upon my spiritual life was profound. He opened up New Horizons before me. enlarging and we were fine. My religious ideas and ideals. Teaching me a broader understanding of truth. My soul will bear him eternal gratitude. The extraordinary man was a Hindu monk of the order of the Vedanta.

 He was called the Swami Vivekananda and was widely known in America for his religious teachings. After lecturing extensively, Swamiji realized that mere dog was not enough. He needed to train some sincere souls who would continue spreading the message of Vedanta in his absence. In the summer of 1894 Swami Chivas invited to speak at the Human Conference held at Green Acre, Maine. Christian scientists, spiritualists, faith healers and groups representing similar views participated in the conference.

 On 31st of July, 1894 Vivekananda wrote to his devotees. The have sisters who lived in Chicago, the. other night the camp people all went to sleep under a fine tree under which I sit every morning. Allah India and talk to them Of course I went with them and we had a nice night under the stars sleeping on the lab of mother Earth. And I enjoyed every bit of it. I cannot describe to you that night's glories after the year of brutal life that I have led to sleep on the ground to meditate under the tree in the forest The in people are more or less well to do and the camp people are healthy young sincere and holy men and women. I teach them all. Shivoham Shiva hum. I am Shiva. I am Shiva. and they all repeated innocent and pure as they are and brave beyond all bounds. And I am so happy and glorified. in the same letter Swamiji inspired his American sisters who sincerely helped his western work well. Beauty vanishes life flies powers fly, but the Lord abided forever.

 Love abided forever. Stick to God. Who cares what comes in the body on anywhere? Through the terrors of evil, say, my god, my love. Through the banks of that say, my God, my love. Do not go for class beats. Leaving the mind of diamonds. This life is a great chance. What? seekest thou the pleasures of this world. He is the fountain of all this. Seek the highest aim for the highest, and you shall reach the highest While in New York, in the early part of 1895 Swamiji met Miss Joseph in mcleod and her sister, Betty, who later married. Francis Liggett they not only worked for Vedanta, but also took care of Swamiji's personal needs.

 In the middle of 1895 when Swamiji was exhausted from lecturing in New York, mr Liggett invited him to his retreat cottage at Camp Percy, New Hampshire. On 7th of June, 1895 Vivekananda wrote to a friend about his visit to the camp It gives me a new lease on life to be here. I go into the forest alone and read my geek up, and I'm quite happy. After a short visit to camp mercy, Swamiji went to 1000 Island Park on the St Lawrence River in New York State. Miss Elizabeth Dutcher, Vedanta, the student, gave her cottage to Swamiji so that he could rest there, as well as gift classes for Celsius students. Swamiji stayed there nearly seven weeks, then taught his American students the uplifting philosophy of Vedanta, along with the lies and teachings of other great teachers of the world. These teachings were later published as inspired talks. In Thousand Island Park, Swamiji initiated some of his male and female students into Sanyas and Brahmacharya, reminding them again and again. Find God, nothing else matters here. He emphasized morality as the basis of spiritual life. Without truth, nonviolence,

 continence, non covetousness, cleanliness and austerity, he repeated. There could be no spirituality On the morning of 7th of August, 1895 he went for a walk with sister Christine and Mrs Mary Funk. Miss strolled about half a mile up a hill covered with trees and sat under a low branch train. Vivekananda suddenly said to them, now we will meditate. We shall be like Buddha under the boat tree. Vivekananda became so still that he seemed to turn to bronze. Then a thunderstorm came, and he bought rain. The swami was absorbed in meditation Oblivious to everything around him. Mrs Funk raised her umbrella and protected him as much as possible. After a while, Vivekananda regained his outer consciousness.

 And looking around, said, once more am I in Kolkata in the rains that evening, he left for New York in mid. August. Swamiji left Fort Paris, where Mr Francis Liggett had invited him to be his guest. Before he left, however, both Miss Andriel and ET sturdy invited him to London to teach Vedanta. Swamiji was also eager to do some constructive Vedanta work in England and decide. to establish a society there. For that purpose, he brought from India Swami Sarathan. And later, Swami Ahmedabad. During his first visit to the West, Vivekananda traveled to England three times from September to November 1895. from April to July. 

1896 from October to December. 1896. Miss Margaret Noble, native sister Nivedita, wrote in our book the Master, as I saw him. It is strange to remember, and yet it was surely my good fortune that though I heard the teachings of my master, the Swami Vivekananda on both the occasions of his visits to England in 1895 and 1896. I yet knew little or nothing of him in private life until I came to India in the early days of 1898. What the world wants today is 20 men and women who can dare to stand in the street yonder and say that they possess nothing but God who will go. 

He swami Vivekananda had risen to his feet by this time and stood looking round his audience as if begging some of them to join him. Why should one fear? And then in tones of which even now I can hear again the thunderous conviction. If this is true, what else could matter if this is not true? What do our life's matter? during his second visit, the Swami electrified English audiences with his nana yoga lectures. In addition, he gave a series of lectures at the Royal Society of painters in watercolors in Piccadilly in clubs, educational societies and in private circles. The British press expressed great admiration for him. Vivekananda road to a disciple in Madras in England. My work is really splendid. 

Vivekananda attracted some sincere British followers who dedicated their lives for his mission. Two of them were JJ Goodwin, who became his stenographer and recorded many of his lectures. And Margaret Noble, who later went to India and established a school for women Professor Max Mueller, Novell known orientalist, wrote an article entitled a real Mahatma about Sri Rama Krishna. He invited

 Vivekananda to his Oxford residence, and they became close friends later in Germany. The stormy met Professor Paul Dewson, another famous interlogist who believed the system of Vedanta to be one of the most majestic structures and valuable products of the genius of men in his search for truth Vivekananda left England on 16th of December. 1896 and traveled Overland to Naples, the port of departure to India. Mr and Mrs savior, who later helped to establish the Advaita Ashram in Mayawati, accompanied him on their way to India. The group visited Milan, Florence and finally Rome, where they spent Christmas week. Swamiji was impressed with the Magnificent Art collections of Italy as well as the grandeur of the cathedrals. at Naples, Goodwin joined the party, and they left for India on 30th of December 1896.


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