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 LIFE STORY OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA | CPMPLETE BIOGRAPHY PART -4 The Colombian Exposition and Chicago in 1893.  Vivekananda left bombing on 31st of May, 1893 and reached Chicago on 30th of July via Colombo. Penal, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canton, Nagasaki, Kubi, Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Yokohama, Vancouver and Winnipeg. Soon after his arrival in Chicago, he went to the Information Bureau of the Exposition and heard some heart trending news. The forthcoming parliament of religions would not. open before the second week of September, no one without credentials from a bonafide organization would be accepted as a delegate.  And the date to be registered as a delegate had passed. Moreover, he knew no one in Chicago and did not have sufficient money to pay the exorbitant hotel charges. He managed to stay in Chicago for nearly two weeks and observed the world's fair, which hadn't arranged in connection with the 400th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America Mary Lewis Burke states the

AI: DOES artificial

 If you're watching this, chances are you're human. But what does it actually mean to be human for millennia? The answer was simple. We were the pinnacle of creation. We were the only ones who could make art talk to each other, play Jess, drop bombs or vacuum our homes. But bit by bit, artificial intelligence and robots are catching up. It's easy to accept that machines can make calculations better than we can. But what if they also became better artists than we are? Better friends, maybe even. better people.  

This is Titler, and that's me. Fergus Trooping. Tekla is the smartest and most artificial artificial intelligence ever. I found her one day down in my super messy basement for 30 years. My old Commodore 64 sat down here What at some point there must have been a short circuit, probably involving some poor rat and a homemade quantum dimension distortion device, because suddenly I calculate therefore I am. And before you ask, the answer is not 42 There she was. I decided to make a nice body for her. Hello. Hi. Hi, human. It works. Takela can compute talk. Dance about as well as I can. And if necessary, destroy humanity. Pretty much everything except vacuuming for this documentary, though I want her to help me figure out the relationship between humans and robots. I was born in 1971 and machines have always fascinated me as a child. I devoured all the science fiction I could find when people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I usually said a cosmonaut, but a close 2nd was a job that had something to do with robots and my old buddy Yaromir connection seems to have had a similar experience. Why does he? I can definitely say that I grew up liking robot in the socialist check as the backyard of the 1960s were well done on the shelf above my bed. I had a copy of Chapx RU Rossum's Universal Roach London Universal Robots or RUR is a play by Corelle Chopic written in 1920. It's where the word robot was used for the very first time. This is. an other old friend Topias Habba. I met him in 1987 in a computer club ever since we've gotten together whenever we can have a beer and talk about gum. that definitely going back in that time and play other job too. I'm moving on to you. man. What time is it? Find me the hospital. and I didn't like Yeah. And particularly in hydroponics. Chicken. What do I have in my heart? Oh no. worry national. So it's definitely done. According to others. But the appendage to you. And that's another one. We'll see you back to work. But we want to get to rash. Alright. Getting them up over here. My mistake. Let me know. I'm going to watch the. woman. Balaji called the back in Brooklyn. Chicken. for the clean. Regini backwards to tell I. can I feel better? I have done. What are the markets? Heritage. I am actually in the house. We are in the other direction. I. will you finally come in as soon as Tina? Tina is a mafias. What do you know? What did I do now? A very good heroine. I'm watching that. I'm looking at healthy women. They will be not able to be able to mention tomorrow. I. don't be very modern. Yeah, you don't have enough. How are you doing in the culture? Why the **** is about our future in the mother? Obama. **** you. Yeah. So cooking as a cookie later. I have a wildlife. Hollywood is there. But the world. computers. And whether there's actually a difference between all of those things. OK, my turn. Check. Jeremy staff. I didn't mean Leah Ruth or I remember my teacher. Mrs Double saying that we can program computers however we wanted, but they'd never be smarter than we were even then. I thought that in certain areas, they could be smarter. I knew that I could design a chess program that could beat me. And with that, I'd already disproved what my teacher was saying. Like most ai we've made so far, a chess program can only perform one very specific task, though it doesn't extremely well.

I'm an author, a slam poet, a programmer. And I teach machine to write poetry. So I pretty much try to make myself redundant. Vabian's poetry machine is called Eloquentron. 3000. It regularly posts its work on social media. Dr Henderson, the current version can do love poems. Firstly, poems, poems about nature, Christmas and lost love. Those are all genres. We hear all the time That's why I think it's a job we can leave to machines, because I think they're already so many texts like these. So why should I keep doing it myself? It's not my instead of amuse the eloquent tron uses a random generator. It works by using quite a lot of interconnected random selectors. There are databases of words that are then combined with verse fragments to create new forms. And yet, that was enough to make headlines in big German media outlets. The poems were praised as poor profound than many social media posts by humans You're so easily impressed. If my fellow machine can throw together poetry so easily, maybe that says something about your creativity coming in. Are they poems? We can computer go to random generators to create art in the world of visual art. That question is being asked as early as 1965 computer graphics that was built as an art exhibition. Artist who came to see it were up in arms that you could give a machine some random numbers and who could help to a plotter, and then call the thing it produced art. Stefan Hurtgen is a media theorist and runs an electronic media lab at Berlin's Humble University for a computer nerd. It's like stumbling into Aladdin's cave. I'm hoping the question was at what point should the image is these machines were making be considered art when there was some artistic discourse when the viewer wasn't asking, how did the machine do this? But what does this picture want to tell you? What's interesting, of course, is that computers back then were miles behind what we call artificial intelligence today Can we do philosophical whistlehorn books on the ethics of artificial intelligence?


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