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 LIFE STORY OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA | CPMPLETE BIOGRAPHY PART -4 The Colombian Exposition and Chicago in 1893.  Vivekananda left bombing on 31st of May, 1893 and reached Chicago on 30th of July via Colombo. Penal, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canton, Nagasaki, Kubi, Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Yokohama, Vancouver and Winnipeg. Soon after his arrival in Chicago, he went to the Information Bureau of the Exposition and heard some heart trending news. The forthcoming parliament of religions would not. open before the second week of September, no one without credentials from a bonafide organization would be accepted as a delegate.  And the date to be registered as a delegate had passed. Moreover, he knew no one in Chicago and did not have sufficient money to pay the exorbitant hotel charges. He managed to stay in Chicago for nearly two weeks and observed the world's fair, which hadn't arranged in connection with the 400th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America Mary Lewis Burke states the

RICH DAD POOR DAD By- Robert Kiyosaki 001

Richard what the rich teach their kids about money that the poor and middle class do not buy Robert T Kiyosaki to parents everywhere, a child's first and most important teachers, and to all those who educate influence and lead by example. Acknowledgements. How does a person say thank you when there are so many people to thank? Obviously this book is a thank you to my 2 fathers who were powerful role models and to my mom who taught me love and kindness. The person. most responsible for this book becoming a reality is my wife Kim, my partner in marriage, business and in life she makes my life complete.


 Introduction. Rich dad Poor dad 

Having two dads offered me the choice of Contrasting points of view, one of a rich man and one of a poor man. I had. two fathers, a rich one and a poor one. 1 was highly educated and intelligent. He had APHD and completed four years of undergraduate work in less than two years. He then went on to Stanford University, 

the University of Chicago and Northwestern University to do his advanced studies all. on full financial scholarships. The other father never finished the 8th grade Both men were successful in their careers, working hard all their lives. Both earned substantial incomes, yet one always struggled financially. The other would become one of the richest men in Hawaii. One died, leaving 10s of millions of dollars to his family, charities and his church. The other left bills to be paid. Both men were strong, charismatic and influential. Both men offered me advice, but they did not advise the same things. Both Believed strongly in education, but did not recommend the same course of study. If. I had had only one dad, I would have had to accept or reject his advice Having two dads offered me the choice of contrasting points of view, one of a rich man and one of a poor man. Instead of. simply accepting or rejecting one or the other, I found myself thinking more, 

comparing and then choosing for myself The problem was that the rich man was not rich yet, and the poor man was not yet poor both. were just starting out on their careers and both were struggling with money and families, but they had very different points of view about money. For example, one dad would say the love of money is the root of all evil. The other said the lack of money is the root of all evil As a young boy, having two strong fathers, both influencing me was difficult. I wanted to be a good son and listen, but the 2 fathers did not say the same things. The contrast. in their points of view, particularly about money, was so extreme that I grew curious and intrigued. I began to start thinking for long periods of time about what each was saying. Much of my private time was spent reflecting, asking myself questions such as why does he say that and then asking the same question of the other dad's statement? It would have been much easier to simply say, yeah, he's right. I agree with that or to simply reject the point of view by saying the old man doesn't know what he's talking about instead. having two dads whom I loved forced me to think and ultimately choose a way of thinking for myself as a president as a process, choosing for myself turned on to be much more valuable in the long run than simply accepting or rejecting a single point of view. One of the reasons the rich get richer, the poor get poor and the middle class struggles in debt is that the subject of money is taught at home, not in school. Most of us learn about money from our parents.

 So what can poor parents tell their child about money? They simply say stay in school and study hard. The child may graduate with excellent grades, but with a poor person's financial programming and mindset. Sadly, money is not taught in schools. Schools focus on scholastic and professional skills, but not on financial skills. This explains how smart bankers, doctors and accountants who earned excellent grades may struggle financially all of their lives. Our staggering national debt is due in large part to highly educated politicians and government officials making financial decisions with little or no training in the subject of money. Today, I often wonder what will soon happen when we have millions of people who need financial and medical assistance. They will be dependent upon their families or the government for financial support. What will happen when Medicare and Social Security run out of money? How will a nation survive if teaching children about money continues to be left to parents, most of whom will be or already are poor because I had two influential fathers, I learned from both of them. I had to think about each dad's advice, and in doing so, I gained valuable insight into the power and effect of one's thoughts on one's life. For example, one dad had a habit of saying I can't afford it. The other dad forbade those words to be used. 

He insisted I ask how can I afford it One is a statement and the other is a question. One lets you off the hook and the other forces you to think my soon to be rich dad would explain that by automatically saying the words I can't afford it. Your brain stops working by asking the question how can I afford it? Your brain is put to work. He did not mean that you should buy everything you want. He was fanatical about exercising your mind. The most powerful computer in the world. He'd say my brain gets stronger every day because I exercise it. The stronger it gets, the more money I can make. He believed that automatically saying I can't afford it was a sign of mental laziness. Although both dads worked hard, I noticed that one dad had a habit of putting his brain to sleep when it came to finances, and the other had a habit of exercising his brain. The long term result was that one dad grew stronger financially and the other grew weaker. It is not much different from a person who goes to the gym to exercise on a regular basis versus someone who sits on the couch watching television. Proper physical exercise increases your chances for health and proper mental exercise increases your chances for wealth. My two dads had opposing attitudes and that affected the way they thought. One dad thought that the rich should pay more in taxes to take care of those less fortunate. The other said taxes punished those who produce and reward those who don't produce. One Recommended study hard so you can find a good company to work for. The other recommended study hard so you can find a good company to buy. One dad said, the reason I'm not rich is because I have you kids. The other said, the reason I must be rich is because I have you kids. One encouraged talking about money and business at the dinner table, while the other forbade the subject of money to be discussed over a meal. One. said, when it comes to money, play it safe. Don't take risks. The other said, learn to manage risk. One believed our home is our largest investment and our greatest asset. The other believed my house is a liability. And if your house is your largest investment, you are in trouble. Both dads paid their bills on time Yet one paid his bills first, while the other paid his bills last.

 One day I believed in a company or the government taking care of you and your needs. He was always concerned about pay raises, retirement plans, medical benefits, sick leave, vacation days and other perks. He was impressed with two of his uncles who joined the military and earned a retirement and entitlement package for life after 20 years of active service. He loved. The idea of medical benefits and px privileges, the military provided its retirees. He also loved the tenure system available through the university. The idea of job protection for life and job benefits seemed more important at times than the job. He would often say, I've worked hard for the government, and I'm entitled to these benefits. The other believed in total financial self-reliance. He spoke out against the entitlement mentality and how it created weak and financially needy people. He was emphatic about being financially competent. One dad struggled to save a few dollars. The other created investments. One dad taught me how to write an impressive resume so I could find a good job. The other taught me how to write strong business and financial plans so I could create jobs. Being a product of two strong dads allowed me the luxury of observing the effects different thoughts have on one's life. I noticed that people. who really do shape their lives through their thoughts For example, 

part 02


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