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 LIFE STORY OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA | CPMPLETE BIOGRAPHY PART -4 The Colombian Exposition and Chicago in 1893.  Vivekananda left bombing on 31st of May, 1893 and reached Chicago on 30th of July via Colombo. Penal, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canton, Nagasaki, Kubi, Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Yokohama, Vancouver and Winnipeg. Soon after his arrival in Chicago, he went to the Information Bureau of the Exposition and heard some heart trending news. The forthcoming parliament of religions would not. open before the second week of September, no one without credentials from a bonafide organization would be accepted as a delegate.  And the date to be registered as a delegate had passed. Moreover, he knew no one in Chicago and did not have sufficient money to pay the exorbitant hotel charges. He managed to stay in Chicago for nearly two weeks and observed the world's fair, which hadn't arranged in connection with the 400th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America Mary Lewis Burke states the


 Life story of Swami Vivekananda from the book God lived with them by Swami Jaitananda. Do you see a light when you are falling asleep? Yes. I do. Doesn't everyone. 


The boy's voice was filled with water. So after they first met, Sri Rama Krishna asked Narendra this question. His. reply provided the master with a deep insight into the past. The nature and the destiny of this remarkable youngster who would later become Swami Vivekananda. In Vivekananda's adult years, he himself described this supernormal faculty. from the earliest time that I can remember, I used to see a marvelous point of life between my eyebrows. As soon as I shut my eyes to go to sleep. And I used to watch its various changes with great attention. That marvelous point of flight would change colors and get bigger until it took the form of a ball. Finally it would burst and cover my body from head to foot with white liquid light As soon as that happened, I would lose out of consciousness and fall asleep. I used to believe that was the way everybody went to sleep Then when I grew older and began to practice meditation, that point of light would appear to be as soon as I closed my eyes. And I would concentrate upon that. Sri Ramakrishna had a vision before Narendra was born One day I found that my mind was soaring high in Samadhi along aluminous path. As it ascended higher and higher, I found on both sides of the vape. Ideal forms of course and choruses. The mind then reached the outer limits of that region where voluminous barrier separated the sphere of relative existence from that of the absolute. crossing that barrier, the mind entered the transcendental realm where no corporeal being was visible. But the next moment I saw seven venereal sieges seated there in Samadhi. It occurred to me that these stages must have surpassed not only men, but even the gods in knowledge and holiness in the renunciation and love lost in admiration. I was reflecting on their greatness when I saw a portion of that undifferentiated numinous region condensed into the form of a divine child. The child came to one of the stages tenderly glassed his neck with his lovely arms, and addressing him in a sweet voice, tried to drag his mind down from a state of Samadhi That magic touch roused the sage from his super cautious state, and he fixed his half open eyes upon the wonderful child in great joy. The strange child spoke to him. I'm going down. You too must go with me. The siege remained mute, but his tender look expressed his ascent. No sooner. No sooner had I seen Narendra, then I recognized him to be that sage later. Shwera Makrishnan disclosed the fact that the divine child was none other than himself. Swami Vivekananda was born at 6:49 AM on Monday.

 12 January 1863 and was given the name Narendra Nath Datta. Bhuvneshwar Devi, Narendra's mother had practiced austerities and prayed to Vinesha Shiva of Varanasi to give her a son. She was delighted that the Lord had answered her prayer.

 Bhumaneswar Devi was deeply religious and raised her children according to the ancient spiritual traditions of India. She taught Narendra remained pure all your life. Guard your own honor and never transgress the honor of others. Be very tranquil. But when necessary, harden your heart. His father, Vishwanath Datta, was an attorney of the Kolkata High Court. He was extremely generous and had a progressive outlook in social and religious matters. Owen, perhaps, to the influence of the western education he had received, brought up. and educated in the 19th century Kolkata. 

Narendra was introduced at an early age to the principles of western thinking, which taught that one should not accept anything without evidence, although he was a brilliant student and well versed in history, philosophy, literature and contemporary western thought, he formally held his conviction. Do not believe a thing because you read it in a book. Do not believe a thing because another has said it so find out the truth for yourself. That is. realization. Sri Ramakrishna said about him. Narendra is a great soul. Perfect in meditation. He cuts the whales of Maya to pieces with a sword of knowledge, inscrutable Maya can never bring him under her control Once a cobra appeared when Narendra was meditating with his friends. The other boys were frightened. They shouted a warning to him and ran away. But Narendra remained motionless. The Cobra after lingering for a while, crawled away. Later, he told his parents. I knew nothing of the snake or anything else. I was feeling inexpressible joy. And the age of 15 he experienced spiritual ecstasy. He was journeying with his family to Raipur in central India and part of the trip had to be made in the Bullock cart. On that particular day, the air was crisp and clear. The trees and creepers were covered with blossoms and birds of beautiful damage sang in the forest. The cart was moving through a narrow bus where the lofty peaks rising on both sides almost touched each other.

 Narendra caught sight of a large beehive in the cleft of a giant cliff. The hive must have been there for a very long time. Suddenly his mind was filled with awe and reverence for the divine Providence, and he lost out a consciousness. Perhaps this was the first time that his wonderful imagination helped him to ascend to the realm of the super conscious. Once during his days as a student, Narendra had a vision while. at school one night I was meditating behind closed doors and had a fairly deep concentration of mind. How long I meditated in that way, I cannot say after the meditation was over, I remained seated. Then from the southern wall of that room, aluminous figure stepped out and stood in front of Maine. It was the figure of a Sanyasi. Absolutely calm with shame and head and staff and come in the loop in either hand. He gazed at me for some time and seemed as if he would address me. I too gazed at him in speechless wonder. Suddenly, a kind of fright ceased me. I opened the door and hurried out of the room. Then it struck me that it was full of me to run away like that. Perhaps he might say something to me, but I have never seen that figure since.

 I think it was the Lord Buddha whom I saw. Prince. Paul William Hasty of General Assembly's institution. Now Scottish Church College remarked. Narendra Nath is really a genius. I have traveled far and wide, but I have never yet come across a lad of his talents and possibilities. Even in German universities amongst philosophical students Dr Rajendra Nadse, Narendra's fellow student who later became a leading Indian philosopher, wrote undeniably a gifted youth associable, free and unconventional in manners. A sweet singer, the soul of social circles, a brilliant conversationalist, somewhat bitter and caustic, piercing with the shops of a keen wit, the shows and memories of the world sitting in the corner's chair, but hiding the tenderest of hearts under that Garb of cynicism altogether and inspired bohemian but possessing what Bohemian slack and iron will somewhat peremptory and absolute. Speaking with extensive authority and with all possessing a strange power of the eye, which could hold his listeners inhaler. Narendra was a well rounded person. He was a musician, debater, gymnast, philanthropist, an ideal Yogi Mystic, esthetic worker and philosopher. He was energy personified. Some years later, he told one of his English disciples. In my childhood, I used to observe an inexhaustible force arising in me, overflowing in my body, as it were. I used to become restless and could not keep quite. 

This was why I used to fidget all the time my. insights would vibrate as it were, and Meek me restless to do something. Rumor roller, the famed French writer and Swami Vivekananda's biographer wrote he was tall, five feet 8 1/2 inches, 170 pounds square shouldered broadjusted stout rather heavily built. His arms were muscular and trained to all kinds of sports. He had an olive complexion, a full face, vast forehead, strong job, a pair of magnificent eyes, large, dark and rather prominent, with heavy lids whose shape recalled the classic comparable Lotus Petal. I think them of his Lance capable equally of embracing in its irresistible charm or of sparkling with wit, irony or kindness of losing itself in ecstasy, of plunging imperiously to the very depths of consciousness and of withering with its fury. But his but his pre eminent characteristic was kingliness. He was a **** king, and nobody ever came near him either in India or America without paying homage to his majesty in his intense desire to realize the truth. Narendra Pectus meditation. He studied different religions and philosophical systems of the east and the West. He met different religious leaders, but nothing was of any avail. He even joined the Brahma Samaj, the social religious organization. And asked its leader, Devendra Nath Tagore. Sir, have you seen God? Devendra was embarrassed and replied, my boy, you have the eyes of a yogi. You should practice meditation.

 Narendra spiritual struggle continued. His first introduction to Ramakrishna occurred 1 day in a literature class. When he heard principal Hasty, lecturing onward's words, the excursion and the poet's nature mysticism. Hesit told his students that with purity and concentration, such. transcendental experience was possible. But in modern times had become extremely rare. I have known only one person, he added, who has realized that blessed state when he is Ramakrishna of Dakshaneshwar. You will understand it better if you visit the St. First meetings with Sri Rama Krishna. Rama Chandra Dutta, Narendra's cousin and a devotee of Ramakrishna was aware of Narendra's genuine hunger for God. Rama Chandra told him If you really want to cultivate spirituality, then visit Rama Krishnaik Darshaneshwar. However, Narendra first met Ramakrishna in Kolkata in November 1881. at the House of the Masters devotee. Surendra Nath Mitra. Surendra had couraged her religious gathering and had invited Narendra to entertain the master and the devotees with his devotional singing. The Master was extremely impressed with Narendra and after a few inquiries, asked him to visit him at Dakshan Ishwar. Narendra first visited Dakshaneshwar sometime in the early part of 1882. He entered the master's room by the West Indore that faces the Ganges. in different to his external appearance, Narendra's clothes were disheveled. 

His impressive eyes were partly intron. Rama Krishna marveled. How is it possible that such a great spiritual aspirant can live in Kolkata, the home of the worldly minded There was a mat spread out on the floor. The Master asked him and his friends to sit on it, and then asked Narendra to sing a song. Narendra sang a song of the Brahmos Samajh. Let us go back once more. Who mind to our proper home here in this foreign land of Earth. Why should we wander aimlessly in strangers? Guys? this song put the master into ecstasy. When the singing was over, he took Narendra to the northern Veranda and closed to the door with tearful eyes. The Masters sent to Narendra. You have come so late. Was that proper? Couldn't you have guessed how I have been waiting for you? My ears are nearly burned off listening to the talk of this worldly people. I thought I should burst. Not having anyone to tell how I really felt then. with folded hands, he said. I know who you are, my lord. You are narrow. The ancient sage, the incarnation of Narayana. You have come to Earth to take away the sufferings and sorrows of mankind. The rational Narendra was dumbfounded regarding this as the bell of an insane person When they returned to the master's room, Narendra's mind was agitated by the strange words and conduct of Ramakrishna.

 However, he asked the master Sir, have you seen God without a moment's hesitation? Ramakrishna replied, yes, I have seen God. I see him as I see you here. Only more clearly. God can be seen. One can talk to him. But who cares for God? People? shed torrents of tears for their wives, children. Well, that property, but who weeps for the vision of God. If one cries sincerely forgot, one can surely see him That impressed me at once, said Narendra later. For the first time, I found a man who dared to say that he had seen God, that religion was a reality to be felt, to be sensed in an infinitely more intense way than we can sense the world. Narendra felt that Ramakrishna's words were uttered from the depths of his inner experience. 

Still, he could not comprehend the master's words and conduct. Bewildered, hip bowed down to the master and returned to Kolkata. A month later, Narendra returned to the Chinese one and found the master alone in his room. Ramakrishna was glad to see Narendra and asked him to sit on the corner of his bed. After a few minutes, the Master Junior him in an ecstatic mood, mundared some words, fixed his eyes on him and placed his right foot on Narendra's body. At his touch, Narendra saw with open eyes the whole world vanishing, the walls, the room, the Temple Garden, and even himself were disappearing into the void. He felt sure that he was facing death. He. cried out loudly. Ah, what are you doing to me? Don't you know that I have parents at home? Listening to this, the Mercer laughed and that touching Narendra's chest, said Alright, let it stop now. It will happen in its own good time. With this Narendra became normal again. 

Narendra was proud of his strong body, sound mind and rational intellect. But he felt helpless in front of Ramakrishna. He could not control himself During his third visit to Nakshatra, he tried his utmost to be on guard. The master went for a walk with Narendra to Chandu Malik's Garden House, where they both sat down in the partner. Then the master went into an esthetic mood and touched Narendra, who lost outer consciousness. In that state, the master asked Narendra questions about his past, his mission in the world, the duration of his present life, and so on. The answers only confirmed what he had seen about Narendra In the vision he had experienced many years before. Later, the master told his other disciples. Narendra is a great soul, perfect in meditation. 

The day he recognizes his true self, he will give up his body by an act of will through yoga. I'll come at Nikki. Take a look. Stumps and conditions apply, but let's look. Hello. master and disciple. According to Hindu tradition, the disciple must obey the guru without question. However, the influence of western thinking did not allow Narendra to accept this. He was determined to test for himself everything that drama Krishna taught him. He felt it was wrong for someone to surrender freedom of judgment to another After that third meeting, Narendra felt the Masters superhuman spiritual power. But he was still somewhat skeptical. His skepticism made him one of the most reliable of all the witnesses of Ramakrishna's greatness. Later, he said to a western disciple. Let not regret that they were difficult to convince. 

I fought my master for six long years with the result that I know every inch of the way the meeting of Narendra and Ramakrishna was an important event in the lives of both. It was like a meeting between the Oxident and the Orient. The modern and the ancient Ramakrishna tamed the rebellious Narendra with his infinite patience, love and vigilance. The. Master was fully convinced of Narendra's divine nature and mission to the world. He could not bear the slightest criticism of Narendra and told devotees. Let no one judge him has delayed. People will never understand him fully. Ramakrishna did not hesitate to praise Narendra's greatness in the presence of one and all, which sometimes embarrassed Narendra. 1 day, Keshav Singh and Vijay Krishna Goswami, who were leaders of the Brahma Samaj, visited with a number of drama devotees Narendra was also present. The master remarked, if Kesha possesses one virtue which has made him world famous, Narendra is endowed with 18 such virtues I have seen in Keshav and Vijay, the divine light burning like a candle flame. But in Narendra, it shines with the radiance of the sun. Narendra later vehemently protested to the master, sir. People will think you are mad if you talk like that. Keisha is famous all over the world. Vijay is a saint, and I am an insignificant student. How can you speak of us in the same breath? Please, I beg you. Never say such things again I cannot help it. Replied the master. Do you think these are my words? The divine mother showed me certain things about you, which I repeated. And she reveals to me nothing but the truth. How do you know it was mother who told you? Narendra objected. On this may be a fiction of your own brain. Science and philosophy prove that ourselves is often deceive us, especially when there is a desire in our minds to believe something. You are fond of me and you wish to see me great That may be why you have these visions The Master was perplexed. He appealed to the divine mother for guidance and was told to. why do you care what he says in a short time? He will accept every word of yours as true. Now, Ramakrishna's affection for Narendra astonished everyone. If Narendra could not come to the nature for a long time, the master cried for him while he went to see him in Kolkata. Ramakrishna knew that he would not live long in this world, so he was eager to trade his phone was disciplined as early as possible One Sunday, the master went to visit him, and the Brahmos Samaj Temple, where Narendra sang devotional songs during the evening service When he arrived in the middle of the service, there was a commotion among the congregation to see the saint of Tephineshwar. The preacher was annoyed and aberrally ended his servant. And the ushers turned out all the guest lights in order to make people leave the building. A move which resulted in a chaotic stampede to the doors in the darkness. Narendra was greatly banned by the Masters humiliation. He managed to elbow his way to Rama Krishna's side. 


Then he led him out through a back door. Got him into a carriage and rode with him to that Shaneswar. Narendra reprimanded the master, but Ramakrishna didn't care a bit about this scolding or his humiliating experience with the Brahmins. Then. Narendra told him severely It is written in the puradas that King Bharat thought so much about his favorite year that he himself became a dear after his death. If that's true, you should be beware of thinking about me The Master was simple, much like a boy. He took these words very seriously because Narendra was a man of truth. Ramakrishna went to the temple and returned shortly, beaming with delight and exclaimed Yuvraj. I won't listen to you anymore. Mother says that I love you because I see the Lord in you. The day I do not see him in you. I shall not be able to bear even the sight of you as a member of the Brahma Samajh.

 Narendra was committed to the belief in a formless god with attributes. And he despised all image version. His friend Rakhal, Nidar Swamy Bemananda, also became a member of the Brahmos Samaj, even though he was devotional by nature. Later, under Ramakrishna's influence, Rakhal returned to the worship of God with form. When Narendra saw Rakhal bowing down before the images, he scolded his friend for breaking the Brahma pledge. Rakhal was too soft nature to argue, but he was heard and began to avoid Narendra. The Master intervened, saying to Narendra, please do not intimidate Kakal. He is afraid of you. He now believes in God with 4. How are you going to change him? Everyone cannot realize the formless aspect of God at the very beginning. It was enough. Narendra. Never interfered with Rakhul Spectors again. Ramakrishna knew like Narendra's mind was naturally inclined to the path of knowledge. So he initiated him into the teachings of non dualistic Vedanta. Sometimes he asked Narendra to read aloud passages from the Ashtavakar Samita and other Veda on the treaties so that he can grasp the essence of the Vedanta philosophy which teaches that Brahman is the ultimate reality. Existence, consciousness, bliss, absolute. the individual soul is Brahman and nothing else. The world is shown to be nothing but name and form, all of which is apparent, not real, having only a relative existence


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