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 LIFE STORY OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA | CPMPLETE BIOGRAPHY PART -4 The Colombian Exposition and Chicago in 1893.  Vivekananda left bombing on 31st of May, 1893 and reached Chicago on 30th of July via Colombo. Penal, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canton, Nagasaki, Kubi, Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Yokohama, Vancouver and Winnipeg. Soon after his arrival in Chicago, he went to the Information Bureau of the Exposition and heard some heart trending news. The forthcoming parliament of religions would not. open before the second week of September, no one without credentials from a bonafide organization would be accepted as a delegate.  And the date to be registered as a delegate had passed. Moreover, he knew no one in Chicago and did not have sufficient money to pay the exorbitant hotel charges. He managed to stay in Chicago for nearly two weeks and observed the world's fair, which hadn't arranged in connection with the 400th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America Mary Lewis Burke states the



In the beginning, it was hard for Narendra to accept the no dualistic view that everything is really brahman, because he was then a staunch follower of the Brahma Samachi, which taught a theistic philosophy. He said to the master. it is blasphemous, for there is no difference between such philosophy and atheism. There is no greater sin in the world than to think of oneself as identical with the creator. I am God. You are god. These created things are God What can be more absurd? The sieges who wrote such things must have been insane The Master didn't mind. 

Narendra's outspokenness at all. He smiled and said, you may not accept the views of these years, but how can you abuse them or limit God's infinite? Go on praying to the god of truth and believe in any aspect of his that he reveals to you. But then, while chatting with Hajra at Dakshineswar, Narendra ridiculed the Vedantic experience of Oneness. How can this be? This jug is caught. This cup is God, and V2 are god. Nothing can be more preposterous When the Master heard Narendra's comment from his room, he came out and inquired, hello. What are you talking about? Ramakrishna touched Narendra and went into Samadhi. Later, Narendra graphically described the effect of that touch. The Magic Touch of the master that day. Immediately brought a wonderful change over my mind. I was too profite to find that there was really nothing in the universe. 

But God, I saw it quite clearly, but kept silent to see if the idea would last. But the impression did not abate in the course of the day. I returned home. But there to everything I saw appeared to be Brahman. I sat down to take my meat, but found that everything, the food, the plate, the person who served, and even myself, was nothing but that. I ate a Mosul or two and said, still, I was startled by my mother's words. Why do you sit still? Finish your meal and begin to eat again. But all. I whether eating or lying down or going to college, I had the same experience and felt myself, always in a sort of cometo state, while walking. while walking in the streets, I noticed cabs flying. But I did not feel inclined to move out of the way. I felt that the cabs and myself were of one stuff. There was number sensation in my limbs, which I thought were getting paralyzed. I did not relish eating, and felt as if somebody else were eating sometime. I lay down during a meal. After a few minutes, Gautam and again began to eat. The result would be that on some days I would take too much, but it did no harm. My mother became alarmed and said that there must be something wrong with me. She was afraid that I might not live long. When the above state altered a little, the world began to appear to me as a dream. While walking. while walking in cornwall is square.

 Now Azad Hinbag, I would strike my head against the iron and railings to see if they were real or only a dream. The. state of things continued for some days. When I became normal again, I realized that I must have had a glimpse of the Advaita. No dual state. Then it struck me that the words of the scriptures were not false. Henceforth, I could not deny the conclusions of the Advaita philosophy. One day, Rama Krishna's whole attitude to Narendra suddenly seems to change. The master looked at him without the least sign of pleasure and remained silent. Narendra thought that the Master was in a spiritual mood. He waited for a while and then went to the Varanda and began talking to Hajram in the evening. Narendra bowed down to the master and left for Kolkata on his next several visits. The Masters moved towards Narendra did not change. He received him with the same apparent indifference. ignored by the Master, he spent the days with Hajra and other disciples and returned home as usual. Finally, after more than a month, the master asked him. Do you come here when I don't speak a single room to you? Do you think I come here just to have you speak to me? Narendra answered. I love you. I want to see you. That's why I come. The Master was delighted. 

I was testing you, he told Narendra, to see if you stopped coming when you don't get love and attention. Only a spiritual aspirant of your quality could put up with so much neglect and indifference. Anyone else would have left me long ago. Narendra was very bold and Frank. He did not speak about people behind their backs. He took delight in criticizing the master's spiritual experiences as evidence of a lack of self control. He would even make fun of his worship of Kali. Why do you come here? The master once asked him, if you do not accept Kali, my mother But must I accept him? Narendra retorted, simply because I come to see you. I come to you because I love you. Alright? Said the master. Before long, you will not only accept my blessed mother, but beep while repeating her name. As Ramakrishna tested Narendra in various ways before accepting him as a disciple. So did Narendra test drama Krishna before he accepted him as the Guru. 

Narendra heard that the Masters renunciation was so absolute that he could not bear the touch of money. One day, Narendra arrived at Dakshini Shwar and found that the master had gone to Kolkata. Suddenly he felt a desire to test the Master. He hid a rupee under the Masters mattress and waited for him. The. Master returned, but no sooner had he touched the bed that he drew back in pain, as if stung by a scorpion. The master called a temple attendant to examine the Fed. And the rupee was discovered. Narendra admitted that he had put the money there. The Master was not displeased at all. He said to Narendra, you must test me as the money changes test their coins. You must not accept me until you have tested me thoroughly. On another occasion, the master put Narendra to a difficult test. He said to him, as a result, as a result of the austerities, I have practiced. I have possessed all the supernatural powers for a long time.

 I am thinking of asking the mother to transfer the mall to you. She has told me that you will be able to use them when necessary. What do you say? Will they help me to realize God? Narendra asked, no, said the master. They would help you to do that, but they might be very useful. After you have realized God, and when you start doing his work, then let me realize God first. Said Narendra. After that, it will be time enough to decide if I need them or not. If I accept them now, I will forget God. Make selfish use of them and thus come to grief. The Master was greatly pleased to see Narendra's single minded devotion. Rama Krishna emphasized the practice of chastity to his young disciples, whom he considered to be future amongst. He told Narendra that if a man maintains absolute justity for 12 years, his mind becomes purified and open to the knowledge of God. When the. Master heard that Narendra's parents were arranging his marriage, he wept, holding the feet of the image of Kali. With tears in his eyes, he prayed to the divine mother, whom mother, 

please upset the whole thing. Don't let Narendra be drowned. However, Narendra's unwillingness posed his parents to cancel the marriage. The training of Narendra only. a good student can be a good teacher. The Kathu Panishat says wonderful is the ex founder of the Artman and rare the hearer. Rare indeed is the experiencer of Atman taught by an able preceptor. Ramakrishna was an Avtar and incarnation of God who came to the world to establish the eternal religion. He made Narendra a vehicle to carry out his mission in the parable of the 4 blind men and the elephant, Ramakrishna recounted how each how each man touched a different part of the elephant declared his partial understanding and then began to quarrel among themselves. But 1 with clear vision sees the whole elephant and does not quarrel with. only partial realization forms acts, but those who have full realization cannot form sex. Ramakrishna therefore trade Narendra to have full realization and carry his message of the harmony of religions to the modern world On 5th of March, 1882 the master asked Narendra how do you feel about it? Worldly people say all kinds of things about the spiritually minded but look here when an elephant moves along the street, any number of curves and other small animals may bark and cry after it. But the elephant doesn't even look back at them.

 If people speak ill of you, what will you think of them? Narendra replied I shall think that dogs are barking at me The master smiled at said. Oh no, you must not go that far. My child. God 12th and all beings. But you may be intimate only with good people. You must keep away from the evil minded God is given in the tiger, but you cannot embrace the tiger on that account. You may say why run away from a tiger which is also a manifestation of court. The answer to that is those who tell you to run away are also manifestations of God. And why shouldn't you listen to them? on 19th of August 1883 Ramakrishna went to the Varanda and saw Narendra talking to Hajra, who often ends in dry philosophical discussions. Hajra would say that the world is unreal, like a dream worship, food offerings to the deity and so forth are only hallucinations of the mind. He would repeat. I am he when the master asked Narendra what they were talking about. Narendra replied with a smile Oh, we are discussing a great many things. They are rather too deep for others. Ramakrishna replied. But pure love and pure knowledge are one and the same thing. Both lead the aspirants to the same goal. The path of love is much easier. 

On 25th of June 1884 Ramakrishna advised his disciples to dive deep in God consciousness and then sang a song dive deep or mind dive deep in the ocean of course beauty. If you descend to the utmost depths there you will find the gem of love Then he continued. One does not die if 1SINKS in this ocean. This is the ocean of immortality. Well, once he said to Narendra, God is the ocean of bless. Tell me if you want to plunge into it. Just imagine there is some syrup in a cup and that you have become a fly. Now tell me where you will sit to sit the syrup. Narendra answered. I will sit on the edge of the cup and stretch out my neck to drink because I'm sure to die if I go far into the cup. Then Ramakrishna said to him. But my child, this is the ocean of Satyanand. There is no fear of death in it. This is the ocean of immortality. 

On 11th of March, 1885 M recorded in the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. Many of his devotees were in Ramakrishna's room. Narendra did not believe that God could incarnate himself in a human body. But Girish are devoted, deferred with him. He had the burning faith that from time to time, the Almighty Lord, through his inscrutable power, assumes a human body and descends to Earth to serve a divine purpose. The. Master said to Girish, I should like to hear you and Narendra argue in English. The discussion began, but they talked in Bengali Narenga. God is Infinity. How is it possible for us to comprehend him? He dwells in every human being. It is not the case that he manifests himself through one person only. Master tenderly, I quite. agree with Narendra. God is everywhere. But then you must remember that there are different manifestations of his power in different beings. At some places there is a manifestation of his aid. God's power manifesting as ignorance. At others. manifestation of his Vidya Shakti, God's power, manifesting as knowledge through different instruments. God's power is manifest in different degrees. Greater or smaller Therefore, all men are not equal. Ram, what is the use of these futile arguments? Master sharply? No, no. There is a meaning in all this. Girish to Narendra. How do you know that God does not assume a human body? Narendra, God is beyond words or thought. Master no, that is not true. He can be known by Pyar Buddhi, intellect, which is the same as the pure self. The seers of old, directly perceived, the pure self, through their purebred theme. Girish to Narendra, Unless God himself teaches men through his human incarnation, who else will teach them spiritual mysteries? Narendra why God wells in our own heart? He will certainly teach us from within the heart. Master tenderly, yes, yes. He will teach us as our inner guide. I clearly see that call is everything. He himself has become all. I cannot utter a word unless I come down at least two steps from the plane of Samadhi. Shankara's non dualistic explanation of Veda is true, and so is the qualified non dualistic interpretation of Ramanuja. Narendra. Modest qualified, nonvolatile master. It is the theory of Ramanaja, according to this theory. Brahman, or the absolute, is qualified by the universe and its living beings. This three Brahman, the world and living beings, together constitute 1NARENDRA. was sitting beside the Master. He touched Narendra's body and said, as long as a man argues about God, he has not realized him. The nearer you approach to God, the less you reason and argue. When you attain him, then all sounds, all reasoning and disputing, come to an end. Then you go into Samadhi, into communion with God in silence.

 Narendra struggle in the early. part of 1884. Narendra's father died unexpectedly of a heart attack. Unfortunately, he left behind many unsettled texts and the ones well to do family was suddenly thrust into acute poverty. To add to their troubles some relatives filed a lawsuit with the intent of depriving that from their home. Since Narendra was the eldest son, the responsibility for the family's welfare fell upon his shoulders. He had just passed his B examination and had been admitted to law school many times he attended classes without having eaten and was often faint with hunger and weakness. He had no job and moreover, no previous work experience forced by circumstances. Narendra began visiting business and government offices barefooted and shabbily dressed looking for a job occasionally. One of his friends who knew the gravity of his situation anonymously sent modest amounts of money to Narendra's mother. His. friends invited him now and then to their homes and offered him food. But the thought of his hungry mother, sisters and brothers at home prevented him from eating at home. He would eat as little as possible in order that the others might have enough. 

The first contact with the harshness of life convinced Narendra that unselfish sympathy is rare in this world. There is no place here for the week, the poor and destitute. Miss fortune does not come alone. Narendra related. Various temptations came my way. A rich woman sent me an ugly proposal to end my days of penny, which I rejected with God. Another woman also made similar overtures to me. I said to her, you have visited your life seeking the pleasures of the flesh. The dark shadows of death are before you. Have you done anything to face that? Give up all these filthy desires. And remember God. one day after a few times search for a job, he sat down in the shape of the Optillon monument in the Medan. A friend who happened to be with him. 

Wanted to console him with a song here. Blows the wind. The breadth of Brahman. It is his grace. We feel. Narendra furiously blurted out. Be quiet, then fanciful nonsense is alright for people living in the lab of luxury. People who have no idea what hunger is. People whose nearest and dearest aren't going in rags and starving. No doubt it sounds true and beautiful with them as it did to me in the old days. But now I have seen what life is really like. That song is just a pack of lies. Despite what he had said to his friend in the Madan,

 Narendra did not lose his inborn faith in God and his mercy. He used to repeat the Lord's name as he got out of bed in the morning. One day his mother overheard him and said piterly. Hush you fool. You have been crying yourself hoars for God since your childhood. Tell me what has got done for you These words stung Narendra to the quick. A doubt crept into his mind about God's existence and his Providence It was not in Narendra's nature to hide his feelings. He. began to tell people aggressively that God did not exist and that praying to him was also futile. The rumor soon spread that Narendra had become an accused and furthermore that he was mixing with people of bad character. Cause it spreads faster than the gospel. 

The Master hurled it but he paid no attention. One day, a friend of Narendra tearfully said to the master. Sir, we never dreamed Narendra would sing so low. Immediately the Master said sharply silent. Silence use conference. The mother has told me that it is simply not true. I shan't look at your face. If you speak to me again that way Narendra remembered his past spiritual experiences when he came in contact with the master and he was firmly convinced that he had not been born to earn money. Support a family or see equality enjoyments. He secretly prepared to renounce the world as his grandfather had done and even fixed a date when he heard that the master was visiting a devotee in Kolkata. He decided to see him before he left home forever. When? they met the master persuaded Narendra to accompany him to Dakshination.

 When they arrived in his room, the master went into ecstasy and sang the song which clearly indicated that he knew Narendra's secret plan that night he sent the others away and said to Narendra with tears I know you have come to the world to do mother's work. You can never lead a worldly life but for my sake stay with your family as long as I'm alive now. in the agreed the next day he returned home and very quickly found a temporary job in an attorney's office which was sufficient to cover the bare existence of his family unable to find a permanent solution to the financial problems of his family. However, Narendra went to the master one day and asked him to pray to the divine mother on his behalf. As Narendra had fade that she listened to the master's prayers. The Master told him to go to the temple and pray to her himself for help, assuring him that his request would be granted. Narendra went to the temple with great anticipation. But as soon as he came before the image of the divine mother, he saw her as living and cautious. He forgot the world and the pitiable condition of his mother, sister and brothers in esthetic joy. He prostrated before her and prayed.

 Mother, give me discrimination Give me renunciation. Give me knowledge and devotion. Grant that I may have an uninterrupted vision of thee. He went. back to the master and told him what had happened. The Master sent Narendra to the temple to play again. But the same thing happened. The third time he remembered his intention. But he felt ashamed to ask for something so small from the mother of the universe At last at Narendra's request, the master blessed him, saying, alright, your people at home will never be in want of plain food and clothing. Narendra was relieved that his family would no longer suffer from starvation. And the master was relieved that Narendra had accepted the worship of God with form. He knew that the concept of God as mother would make Narendra spiritual life fuller and richer later. Narendra said to one of his western disciples, I used to hate Kali and all her ways. That was my six years fight, because I would not accept Kali. But now you have accepted her, interjected the disciple. I had to said Narendra. 

I had great misfortunes at that time. My father died and so on. Ramakrishna dedicated me to her. And, you know, I believe that she guides me in every little thing I do. And just does what she likes with me. There are. Ramakrishna gave love and freedom to his disciples so that they could grow in their own way throughout. the rest of his life, Narendra would frequently say, ever since our first meeting, it was the master alone who always had faith in me. No 1 else, not even my own mother and brothers. That faith and that love of his have bound me to him forever. The Master was the only one who knew how to love and who really loved. worldly people only failed loved to gratify their own self interest.


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