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 LIFE STORY OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA | CPMPLETE BIOGRAPHY PART -4 The Colombian Exposition and Chicago in 1893.  Vivekananda left bombing on 31st of May, 1893 and reached Chicago on 30th of July via Colombo. Penal, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canton, Nagasaki, Kubi, Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Yokohama, Vancouver and Winnipeg. Soon after his arrival in Chicago, he went to the Information Bureau of the Exposition and heard some heart trending news. The forthcoming parliament of religions would not. open before the second week of September, no one without credentials from a bonafide organization would be accepted as a delegate.  And the date to be registered as a delegate had passed. Moreover, he knew no one in Chicago and did not have sufficient money to pay the exorbitant hotel charges. He managed to stay in Chicago for nearly two weeks and observed the world's fair, which hadn't arranged in connection with the 400th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America Mary Lewis Burke states the



 Last days, Victory Ramakrishna Ramakrishna was a wonderful teacher and he taught more by the silent influence of his inner life. Then by words, or even by personal example, to live with him, demanded of the disciple, purity of thought, humility, truthfulness and renunciation. He acted as a father, mother and friend to his young disciples. 

He would joke and have fun with them. And at the same time, remind them that the goal of human life is cordialization.

 They learn from their master how to synthesize the 4 yoga pakp and Rajan. The harmony of religions, the true meaning of the scriptures and the worship of God in human beings. One day at that agewell, when the Master was seated in his room, he talked about the three salient disciplines of the Vaishnav Religion. Love of God's name, compassion for all living beings and service to the devotees. Repeating the word compassion, he went into Samadhi. After a while, he returned to normal consciousness and said to the devotees, how foolish to speak of compassion. Man is an insignificant warm crawling on the Earth. And he is to show compassion to others. This is absurd. It must not be compassion, but service to all. Recognize them as God's manifestations and serve them only. Narendra understood the implication of the master's words, leaving the room he sent to the others. What a wonderful light I have discovered in those words of the master. 

How beautifully he has reconciled the idea of Bhakti with the knowledge of Vedanta. generally interpreted as dry, austere and incompatible with human sentiments. What a grand natural and sweet synthesis those. following the paths of Karma and yoga are similarly benefited by these words of the master. The embodied being cannot remain even for a minute, without activity. All his activities should be directed to the service of man. The manifestation of God upon Earth. And this will accelerate his progress towards the core. If it be the will of God, I shall one day proclaim this Nobel truth before the world at large. I shall make it the common property of all, the wise and the foolish, the rich and the poor, the Brahmin and the pariah. Only a jeweler knows the value of a diamond. Ramakrishna knew the worth of his beloved disciple, Narendra. So he made him the leader of his group of disciples. He told his disciples.

 Narendra belongs to a very high place. The realm of the absolute. He has a manly nature. So many devotees come here, but there is no one like him Every now and then, I take stock of the devotees. I find that some are like lotuses with tempetals. Some like lotices with 100 petals. But among lotices, narega is a 1000 petted one. Other devotees may be like pots or pictures, but Narendra is a huge water barrel. Others may be like pools or tanks, but Narendra is a huge reservoir, like the Haldar Pakur. Among fish, narendra is a huge red eyed carb. Others are like minnows or smells or sardines. Narendra is a very big receptacle, one. that can hold many things. He is like a bamboo with a big hollow space inside. Narendra is not under the control of anything. He's not under the control of attachment or sense flashers. He is like a male Peachy. If you hold a male Pejian by its beak, it breaks away from you. But the. but the female vision keeps thin.

 I feel great strength when Narendra is with me in a gathering in the middle of 1885. Rama Krishna contracted fruit cancer for the convenience of his treatment. He was taken to Kolkata and then to Kosipur. A suburb of Kolkata without concern for his body. He continued to train his disciples. When they begged him not to strain himself, he replied. I do not care. I will give up 20,000 such bodies to help one person. Sarada Devi, the master's wife, cooked for him and Narendra and other young disciples took charge of nursing him. 1 day the master distributed OK monastic ropes to marina and some of his young disciples and thus formed his own monastic cordon. He later told Varendra. I leave the mall to your care. See that they practice spiritual disciplines even after my passing away and that they do not return home Under the day he wrote on a piece of paper. Naren will teach people when Narendra expressed a position. The Master said. But you must your very bones will do it. 10 years later, Narendra described his master's message to humanity. First. make character. That is the highest duty you can perform. 

No truth for yourself. And there will be many to whom you can teach it afterwards. They will all come. This was the attitude of my master. He criticized no one. For years I lived with that man But never did I hear those lips. I took one word of condemnation for any sect. I learned from my master that the religions of the world are not contradictory. or antagonistic they are. But various phases of one eternal religion. Rama Krishna's illness showed no signs of awaiting. In spite of the best available care and treatment. When Narendra realized that the master would not live long, he intensified his own spiritual practices Wending he entreated Ramakrishna for the experience of Nirvikalpa Samanthi The highest realization of Advaita Vedanta But the master then remanded him. Shame on you. You are asking for such an insignificant thing. 

I thought that you would be like a big Banyan dream and that thousands of people would dressed in your shade. But now I see that you are seeking your own liberation. He said, he sent further. There is a state higher than that is you. who sing? 0 Lord, thou art all that exists. The must have wanted his disciple to see God in all beings and to serve them in a spirit of worship. One evening, however, when Narendra was meditating with one of his brother disciples at Kosikur, he suddenly became aware of a light at the back of his head. As if a lamp had been placed there. It gradually became more brilliant until finally it seemed to burst. He was engulfed by that light and lost body consciousness. After some time he began to regain normal consciousness and cried out. When is my body? His amazed brother disciple assured him It is here. 

Don't you feel it? He then rushed to the master's room upstairs and told him of Narendra's condition Let him stay in that state for a while. Remarked the master. He pestered me long enough for it. For a long time, Narendra remained immersed in Samadhi, forgetting space, time and causation. After regaining normal consciousness, he entered the Masters room. And Ramakrishna told him now the mother has shown you everything, but this realization, like the jewel locked in a box, will be hidden away from you. And kept. in my custody. I will keep the key with me only after you have fulfilled your mission on this earth with a box we unlocked and you will know everything as you have known now Narendra once narrated how the master had transmitted his power into him. Two or 3 days before Sri Ramakrishna's passing away, he called me to his side and looked steadily at me and went into Samadhi. Then I felt that a sudden force like an electric shock must entering my body in a little while. I also lost outward consciousness and stand motionless. How long I stayed in that condition. I do not remember when consciousness returned I found Sree Ramakrishna shedding tears on. questioning him. He answered me affectionately.

 Today. giving you my all I have become a beggar with this power you are to do much work for the good of the world before you return I feel that that power is constantly directing me to this or that work. This body has not been made for remaining idle A couple of days before Ramakrishna's passing away. Then the master was an excruciating pain. The thought flashed across Narendra's mind. Well. now if you can be clear that you are God then only will I believe you are really God himself. Immediately the master looked up towards Narendra and said distinctly. Oh my Narain. Are you still not convinced he who in the past was born in Rama and Krishna is now living in this very body as Ramakrishna but not from the standpoint of your veda which That each soul is potentially divine, but actually so. After Sri Rama Krishna's passing away. Ramakrishna passed away on Sunday. 16th of August, 1886 plunging his devotees and disciples into an ocean of grief. The young disciples wanted to continue worshiping Ramakrishna's relings at the Kosovo Garden House. But they had no means to support themselves. The householder devotees who had supported the Master asked them to return home. However, three disciples had already left home forever, and they had no place to go Narendra was helpless. One evening, early in September, one surrendered Mitra Medicine. was meditating in his household shrine. Ramakrishna appeared to him and said, what are you doing here? My boys are roaming about without a place to live. 

I didn't do that before anything else. Hearing the Masters command, surrender to Narendra and told him everything that had happened. He promised to provide the same amount of money every month as he had given for the Gossiper House prior to Ramakrishna's passing. Immediately narrated, and the disciples began to search for a house and found. one at Baranagar. Midway between Dakshaneshwar and Kolkata Dreary dilapidated and deserted. It was a building that had a reputation of being haunted by Evan Spirits It had two stories. The lower one was infested with lizards and snakes. This house. This house was chosen because of its low rent and proximity to the kosipur burning heart, where the master's body had been cremated I wrote about the first Ramakrishna Monastery at Paranagar in the Gospel of Sri Rama Krishna. The members of the mud called themselves Dantanas and the victors, which means the ghosts and the demons. 

The companions of Shiva. They took these names because of their utter indifference to worldly pleasures and relationships. Narendra and the other members of the **** often spent their evenings on the roof there. The devoted a great deal of time to discussion of the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, Shankaracharya, Ramanujan and Jesus Christ, and of Hindu philosophy. European philosophy, the Vedas, the Puranas and the Tantras in later years. Narendra reminisced about the early days in the monastery. After the passing of Yoshi Rama Krishna, we underwent a lot of religious spectacle. We used to get up at 3:00 AM and after washing our faces, etc. We would sit in the shrine and become absorbed in Japan and meditation. 

What a strong spirit of a dispassion we had in those days. We had no thought even as to whether the world existed or not. There were days when the japan and meditation continued from morning till 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Ramakrishnan and the waited and waited with our meals ready. They went last, he would come and **** us from a vegetation by sheer force. There were days when the monastery was without a grain of food. If some rice was collected by begging, there was number salt to take it with. On some days there would be only rice and salt, but nobody cared for it in the least. We were then being carried away by a tidal wave of spiritual practice Oh, those wonderful days. In the middle of December 1886 Narendra and eight other disciples went to Antipur. The birthplace of Baburan, later Swami Premanandam. Follow retreat. One night, they made a fire in the courtyard and set around it for meditation. 

Suddenly, Narendra was aspired to talk about Christ's love and renunciation and his self sacrifice for the good of humanity. In front of that sacred fire, the disciples vowed to embrace the monastic life in a. joyous mood, they returned to their rooms and someone discovered that it was Christmas Eve. All felt deadly blessed after a week of retreat, they returned to Baranagar. And in the early part of 1887 took formal monastic valves. Now Narendra took the name of Swami Vivekananda later. prior to his journey to America, he changed his name to Swami Vivekananda and the request of Raja Ajit Singh of K3. Many years later, Narendra said to one of his disciples. One eye shed tears of grief when I left home because I hated to leave my mother, grandmother, brothers and sisters and the other eye shed tears of joy for my ideal. Luxury had too many material possessions. Take the mind away from God. That is why most mystics removed themselves from family times. The worldly possessions. This is one of the initial tests of a spiritual journey. God embarrasses those souls and makes everything favorable for them who are endowed with purity and renunciation.

 Poverty and humility, devotion and longing. As a wandering bunk, there is a saying. The monk is pure who owns and the river is pure that flows in 1888. Vivekananda left the monastery to live as a pendulous wondering monk. He carried a staff, a water pot and his two favorite books. Bhagavad Gita and the imitation of Christ. He To Varanasi, known as the city of Light and a capital of ancient Indian culture. During his journey, he met many holy people and scholars. One day, while visiting the Durga Temple, he was attacked by a troop of monkeys. While he was running away, a monk shouted to him, face the crudes. Swamiji stopped and looked defiantly at the ugly beasts. They quickly disappeared. Later, as a preacher in America, he shared this experience with people and told them to face the dangers and vicissitudes of life and not run away from them. Vivekananda knew his life's mission and felt a tremendous power within himself. 

He left the city of Varanasi with these prophetic words. When I returned here the next time, I shall burst upon society like a bombshell, and it will follow me like a dog. On his way to headwar, he stopped at the Hathras railroad station where he met Sharad Chandra Gupta, the assistant station master, whom he accepted as his disciple. When Sharath asked Baswani to stay with him longer, he replied, my son, I have a great mission to fulfill. My guru asked me to dedicate my life to the regeneration of my motherland. Spirituality has fallen to a low ebb and starving. stocks the land. India must become dynamic again and earn the respect of the world through her spiritual power. One day, during his travels in the Himanayas, Vivekananda set for meditation under a people tree by the side of Australia. There he experienced the oneness of the universe and man, that man is a universe in miniature. He realized that all that exists in the universe also exists in the body. And further, that the entire universe can be found contained in a single atom. He jotted down this experience in a notebook in the. beginning was the word, etc. The microcosm and the macrocosm are built on the same plan, just as the individual soul is encased in the living body. So is the universal soul in the living prakriti nature. The objective universe the dual aspect of the universal soul is eternal. So what we perceive or feel is this combination of the eternally formed and the eternally formulas. 

During Vivekananda's 1800 days, he had various kinds of spiritual experiences. Once in a vision, he saw an old man standing on the Bank of the Indus, chanting Vedikams. He distinctly heard the invocation of the Gayathri Mantram from the Raikweda. The Swami believed that through this vision, he had recovered the music. currencies of the early arials. He also experienced the presence of the cosmic god in all beings. Nirekana visited Bauhari Baba, the famous Yogi of Kazipur, and learned from him the secret of work. Pay. as much attention to the means of work as to its end. The Yogi told him, live in the house of your guru like a cow, which means that one should cultivate the spirit of service and humility. There are many wonderful stories about Bahari Baba. Once a cobra entered his cave later, the Yogi said to his right and disciple.

 It was a messenger who came from my beloved. On other day, a dog ran off with the Yogi spread, and he followed, praying humbly. Please wait, my lord. Let me butter the bread for you. Violet Kazipur, Vivekananda suffered from stomach trouble and limb backhoe. He decided to take that yoga initiation from Pahari Baba in order to cure his ailment. However, that night, rama Krishna appeared before him. Looking at him intently, as is very grieved. This vision was repeated for 21 nights. He gave up the idea of initiation. The reproaching himself for lagging complete faith in the Master. Vivekananda traveled over almost all of India, mostly on foot, visiting places of history and pilgrimage. He was thus able to gain first hand experience of the Indian people, seeing the poor and deplorable conditions of the masses. He was at times moved to tears. He had suffered great poverty himself and had deep compassion for the suffering of others. He. once he remarked with his usual vigor that accord who could not in this life give a crust of bread was not to be trusted in the next for the Kingdom of Heaven. He observed that religion was not the crying need of India and recalled Sri Ramakrishna's bhi saying religion is not for an empty stomach. in his travels, 

Vivekananda met the Maharajas of K3 Albert Mysore, Ramnath and many other dignitaries. He boldly told them that the prosperity of India depended upon uplifting the masters by introducing good education, modern science and industry. However, they did not show sufficient interest. Later he expressed his feelings May I be born again and again and suffer thousands of miseries so that I may worship the only God that exists, the only God I believe in. The sum total of all souls and above all my God, the wicked. My God, the misrable, my God, the fear of all races of all species is the special object of my worship in. February 1891. Vivekananda arrived at Alwar Rajputalam and met Maharaja Mangal Singh. He was very westernized. And although a Hindu had no faith in worshiping images that to him were nothing but clay or stone figurines. Swamiji tried in way in to explain to him that Hindus worshiped God alone using the images as symbols. The Maharaja was not convinced that Vivekananda asked the prime minister to takedown a picture of the Maharaja that was hanging on the wall. at Vivekananda's request, it was handed to him. He then commanded the Prime Minister and others to spit on it. Everyone was horrified. He said to the audience. Maharaja is not bodily present in the photograph. This is only a piece of paper. It does not contain his bones, flesh and blood. It does not speak or behave or move in any way as the Maharaja does. Yet all of you refuse to spit on it because you see in this photo the shadow of the Maharaja Indeed, in spitting on the photo, you feel that you insert your master. The Prince himself turning to the Maharajah, he continued. See your Highness, though this is not you in one sense. 

In another sense, it is you. That was why your devoted servants were so perplexed when I asked them to spit on it. The Maharaja realized his mistake and begged Swamiji's blessings while traveling in Western and southern India. Vivekananda heard about the Parliament of religions that was to be held in Chicago in 1893. A group of Indian rulers and influential people requested that he attend in order to represent Hinduism. The religion of Vedanta, but he refused. He was waiting for the Masters call in December 1892. at Kanyakumari, sitting on the last bit of Indian rock in the Indian Ocean. He received his call to go to the West. One day while in Madras, Swamiji had a symbolic dream. He saw Sri Ramakrishna walking into the water of the ocean and beckoning him to follow. He also heard the command koh. Although Swamiji was now certain of his journey, he still felt it necessary to have only mother Sarada Devi's permission and blessing. He wrote to Swami Sarathan. I have. had a vision in which the Master told me to go to the West. My mind is quite disturbed. Please tell holy mother everything and let me know her opinion. 

Sarada Nanda went to holy mother and dressed letter to her. Holy mother did not give her opinion immediately, but asked Sardar Nanda to wait after a couple of days. Holy mother had a dream. She saw Ramakrishna walking over the ocean waves and asking Narendra to follow him. Then holy mother told Sardananda. please write to Naren that he should go to the West. Swamiji was overjoyed when he received holy mother's approval and blessing in Madras. Vivekananda's followers began to raise money and make the necessary arrangements for his departure. In the meantime, Raja Ajit Singh of Ketri, who was a disciple of Swamiji, asked him to come to K3 and plus his newborn son. He also offered to provide the ticket for his passage to America. Swamiji consented and went to Ketri for the birthday function. 1 evening while he was there, the Maharaja invited him to attend a musical performance by a dancing girl. However, Vivekananda sent word that as a mug he was not permitted to enjoy. Secular pleasures. The girl was hurt when she heard the message and sang this plaintiff song, which reached the Swami's ears. Look not O Lord upon my sins. 

This not same sightedness thy name. One piece of iron is in the image in the temple and another. The knife in the hand of the butcher. Yet both of these are turned to gold when touched by the philosopher's stone. So Lord, look not upon my evil qualities. Swamiji was deeply moved. This dancing girl, whom society condemned as impure, had taught him a great lesson. Brahman, the ever beyond ever free, ever illumined, is the essence of all beings. He. immediately realized his mistake and joined the party. He later said that incident removed the schemes from her eyes. Seeing that all are indeed the manifestation of the one I could no longer condemn anybody on his way to Bombay. Swamiji stopped at the Abu Road station and met Swami's Brahmananda and Kuriananda. When he told them that he was going to America, they were greatly excited. He explained to them I have now traveled all over India, but Alas, it was agony to me. My brothers to see with my own eyes the terrible poverty and misery of the masses. And I could not restrain my tears. It is now my firm conviction that it is futile to preach religion amongst them without first trying to remove their poverty and sufferings. It is for this reason to find more means for the salvation of the poor of India that I am now going to America.


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