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 LIFE STORY OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA | CPMPLETE BIOGRAPHY PART -4 The Colombian Exposition and Chicago in 1893.  Vivekananda left bombing on 31st of May, 1893 and reached Chicago on 30th of July via Colombo. Penal, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canton, Nagasaki, Kubi, Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Yokohama, Vancouver and Winnipeg. Soon after his arrival in Chicago, he went to the Information Bureau of the Exposition and heard some heart trending news. The forthcoming parliament of religions would not. open before the second week of September, no one without credentials from a bonafide organization would be accepted as a delegate.  And the date to be registered as a delegate had passed. Moreover, he knew no one in Chicago and did not have sufficient money to pay the exorbitant hotel charges. He managed to stay in Chicago for nearly two weeks and observed the world's fair, which hadn't arranged in connection with the 400th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America Mary Lewis Burke states the

The History of Nalanda University

 In our culture, we used to learn at Gurukul's that used to concentrate moral life skills with academics. For advanced studies, 

the universities like Takshashila, Vikram Shila, Sharada, Pita, Nalanda helped. So how did Nalanda University come into existence? 

Guptas, known for their futuristic thinking, built over small, early establishments that were constructed in the Morian Empire by an Ashoka the great India. has witnessed many great kings and kingsmen. 

The Great Poet Khalid Assa in his book Raghu Amsham has mentioned a lot about Guptas that has inspired many historians to take a peek into this golden period of Indian history. Besides that, there are a lot of historical facts to support this, including the archeological department and literally sources. While the archeological department has excavated coins and a lot of inscriptions from the period, the literary sources like Karidasa's place, Devi Chandrakant Mudra Raksha Katika and some documentation from Fahi Huen Saath and I'd say how was Nalanda University founded Kumar Gupta, a Gupta ruler, also known as Mahendra Ditya, borrowed the name Mahendra from Indra and Aditya from Vikram Aditya since Shakra is another name of Indra, he had his name mentioned in some places as Shakra Ditya. All these names raped Kumar Gupta first. Kumar Gupta had two wives, Ananta Devi and Devaki. Anantha Devi was a princess, whereas Devaki was a commoner due to which Anand today we did not want Devaki to say in the same palace of hers. So Kumar Gupta insisted Devaki stay in a different palace. However, Devaki refused and told that she wanted to stay in a small house where she can treat patients. Kumar Gupta had her sent to a newly built hospital where she can serve patients assisting the doctors. This further relate to another idea of building a place for higher education. They will be knew about the big universities and activities. He had produced not only great teachers like Shana Kya, but also great students like Chandra Gupta Moria, though Grupo is important, very good education. There were more specializations in subjects. The very same day a Buddhist philosopher came to meet Kumar Gupta, who also came up with the same idea and further said they will have to teach Buddhist philosophy along with the Vedic philosophy. The immediate action points that Kumaru Gupta later acted upon are boiling down on the place, building maintenance student selection, university capacity. After deciding upon this, he called Buddhist and very philosophers, along with them, eminent doctors, philosophers and scientists at a brainstorming sessions about the university. The king boiled down the place. He decided that the university we built near the narrows Tupa hence it would be called Nalanda University, deriving its name from this Tupac. It was also decided that the university will be a huge complex headquarters for teachers and dormitories for students. The capacity of the university will be about 10,000 students and accommodating about 2000 teachers. It would be a multi storage building surrounded by a high wall made of red bricks. There will be a carton and some lakes inside the campus. Students and teachers can meditate here with meditation calls and temples built inside. They further decided that it would have three libraries covering books from every other topic and that the admission will be restricted to students strictly on the basis of merit Entrance tests will be conducted and students clearing the tests will be allowed to study men with very good command over the subjects will be teaching here. Local revenue from the neighboring villages will be used to maintain the university. Kumar Gupta summoned the best architects to construct the university. The construction of Naranda University started soon. Kumar Gupta was all excited and wanted it to be completed soon. Meanwhile, the 2 Queens of Kumar Gupta gave birth while Harantha Devi's son must name Kuru Gupta. Devaki's son was named Skanda Gupta. Both of them were very different in their own ways. Kurukta was more interested to be alone, had no intention of making friends. He was very silent. His favorite pastime was watching birds, trees, sky, etc. Gupta, on the other hand, was more social. It was always surrounded by people. Was very talkative and always made sense while he spoke. He made friends and used to pay a lot. And when he played, he was always the king and his friends for ministers. The quality is required to rule the kingdom could be seen from the Gupta right from his childhood days while the university was still under construction, Kumaru Guptas brother came to meet him. He was also very happy about his brother building a secular place for learning. He was sure that it would be very famous. He said he wanted to see a Vishnu Temple built inside the campus, having the 10 incarnations Kumar Gupta was happy about this idea. Subsequently he transferred his brother from Vaishali to Ujjain as Governor. So his brother could build the Vishnu Temple inside the campus. No wonder the temple was beautifully built. It looks spectacular this way. Kumar Gupta involved more or less everyone who was interested in serving the society and gave them act responsibilities. Finally, when Nalanda University's construction was completed, Kumar Gupta himself appointed the close associate that he trusted as the head of the university. The. head inter appointed many good teachers, many student aspirants applied. There was a very tough test conducted and only those who qualified were admitted. It was a magnificent multi story building, having nine floors with a huge crowd to play and a big library for the students. There were several classes and dormitories to help students. Kumar Gupta himself inaugurated the university. He even went and sat in the first class. The level of ownership that he showed is unparalleled. He was sure that the university was going to be world famous, and he was right. It indeed became famous all over the world As time went by, Urugota married against the vicious of his father and went on to become a monk. Actor Kumar Gupta Gupta was an extraordinary king withdraws and hunas for together in a war against more. bars, less money and economic crisis in the Gupta and the Gupta did not increase taxes. He sold some parts of the royal property to rich merchants for the sake of the kingdom, and also missed his father, Kumar Gupta, for suggestions. The gap between the Gupta and his son Kumar Gupta second grew due to his mother's early death. Kumar Gupta second became a drunkard and lost both his balance and responsibility. The untimely demise and for Gupta's lack of interest in the kingdom resulted in his weak rule. Kumar Gupta second joined rulas who defeated the Gupta Empire easily after the Guptas. There was a large succession of kings who continued protecting the university in their own ways Some of them even built big balls as a way to protect the university. How curry dynasty king erected an 80 feet copper statue of Buddha Harsha converted king also took good care of it. All of this is known based on the travelogs of Chinese monks, exhibits and CUK and Yeching. Nalanda University has been destroyed thrives based on different invaders at different times. In the first two invasions, the university could be restored, but the final destruction became a setback for both Buddhism and the university for hundreds of years. Unas and Mehra Kula in collaboration attacked and destroyed Nalanda for the first time. However, as Kanda Gupta succession could restore the library and improve it with extra protections of the enemies, guard us in 7th century made the university for the second time in the Buddhist King Harshavardhan renovated the university and improved it further. There was this destruction that was a third and last one where Nalanda University and the people inside were very badly heard following this. The university could never be restored until recent developments. Muslim army led by the Turkish leader Mahdiya Kilji attacked around 1193 CE due to this attack, Buddhism has a major legion, had a set back for years to come. The big libraries built at so many books about Ayurveda and Buddhism that it took months for the fire to burn the books into ashes. It was a phonetic Islamist who did not believe in any other opinions of texts. He was not keeping well for a few days that a doctors in his court failed to cure him. Rahul Sri Batra was the principal of Nalanda University. Then he was advised by one of the ministers of Patiya to treat him initially. Pakhtiya was reluctant to get treated by him as it was against his religion. But when the disease further deteriorated, he had to summon the principle Mahathir, however, agreed on a condition and they arranged the treatment. Condition is at the principle should cure without any medicine. The principle then asked Bhaktiya to read some pages from the Quran which cured the illness to everyone's surprise. This disturbed Hilgy, he thought Indian scholars and teachers knew more than what the doctors at his court knew. So Hilgi decided to testify the roots of knowledge. He said. fire to the Great Library of Nalanda University following the massacre of both teachers and students. He burnt down approximately 9 million manuscripts We have to learn from his fee as there is a famous sake forgive but never forget. We should make sure that we don't repeat these parts of history.


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