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Showing posts from September, 2023


 LIFE STORY OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA | CPMPLETE BIOGRAPHY PART -4 The Colombian Exposition and Chicago in 1893.  Vivekananda left bombing on 31st of May, 1893 and reached Chicago on 30th of July via Colombo. Penal, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canton, Nagasaki, Kubi, Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Yokohama, Vancouver and Winnipeg. Soon after his arrival in Chicago, he went to the Information Bureau of the Exposition and heard some heart trending news. The forthcoming parliament of religions would not. open before the second week of September, no one without credentials from a bonafide organization would be accepted as a delegate.  And the date to be registered as a delegate had passed. Moreover, he knew no one in Chicago and did not have sufficient money to pay the exorbitant hotel charges. He managed to stay in Chicago for nearly two weeks and observed the world's fair, which hadn't arranged in connection with the 400th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America Mary Lewis Burke states the

AI: DOES artificial

 If you're watching this, chances are you're human. But what does it actually mean to be human for millennia? The answer was simple. We were the pinnacle of creation. We were the only ones who could make art talk to each other, play Jess, drop bombs or vacuum our homes. But bit by bit, artificial intelligence and robots are catching up. It's easy to accept that machines can make calculations better than we can. But what if they also became better artists than we are? Better friends, maybe even. better people.   This is Titler, and that's me. Fergus Trooping. Tekla is the smartest and most artificial artificial intelligence ever. I found her one day down in my super messy basement for 30 years. My old Commodore 64 sat down here What at some point there must have been a short circuit, probably involving some poor rat and a homemade quantum dimension distortion device, because suddenly I calculate therefore I am. And before you ask, the answer is not 42 There she was. I de


He is known as the father of India, but throughout his life, muhandas Karamchand Gandhi evoked mixed feelings. He was viewed alternatively as a fanatic or an eccentric, a reactionary, revolutionary, st or Messiah, or as a man who must be killed. He championed a philosophy of nonviolence, only to dive the hand of an assassin. He led a peaceful resistance movement to free India from British rule, yet independent India was born at an hour of brutal carnage Amid sectarian killings on an unprecedented scale, Gandhi risked his life to preach nonviolence until his dying day. MAHATMA GANDHI -DYING FOR FREEDOM || DOCUMENTARY.   On January 30th 1948 he was killed by a Hindu nationalist with three shots fired to the chest. In 1931 Gundy was interviewed by an American journalist. Are you prepared to return to jail again? I am always debate to return to daily. Would you be prepared to dodge in the cause in this independence? Nikki demands question. The late brother of Gandhi's assassin was jail

RICH DAD POOR DAD By- Robert Kiyosaki 004

 Dad will explain on Saturday. waiting in line on Saturday. I was ready to face Mike's dad. Even my real dad was angry with him. My real dad, the one I called the poor one, thought that my rich dad was violating child labor laws and should be investigated. My educated poor dad told me to demand what I deserve at least $0.25 an hour. My poor dad told me that if I did not get a raise,  I was to quit immediately. You don't. need that damn job anyway, said my poor dad with indignation at 8:00 o'clock Saturday morning. I walked through the door of Mike's house when Mike's dad opened it. Take a seat and wait in line. He said as I entered, he turned and disappeared into his little office next to a bedroom. I looked around the room and didn't see Mike anywhere. Feeling awkward, a cautiously sat down next to the same two women who were there 4 weeks earlier. They smiled and slid down the couch to make room for me. 45 minutes went by and I was steaming. The two women had

RICH DAD POOR DAD By- Robert Kiyosaki 003

 What is in those plaster molds? My dad asked, watch. I said, this should be a good batch with a small hammer. I tapped at the seal that divided the cube in half. Cautiously, I pulled up the top half of the plaster mold and a lead nickel fell out Ohh my god, my dad said you were casting nickels out of lead. That's right. Like I said, We're doing as you told us to do. We're making money. My dad. friend turned numerous to the left. My dad smiled and shook his head. Along with a fire and a box of spent toothpaste tubes in front of him were two little boys covered with white dust, smiling from ear to ear. He asked us to put everything down and sit with him on the front step of our house with a smile. He gently explained what the word counterfeiting meant. Our dream. were dashed. You mean this is illegal? Asked Mike in a quivering voice. But them go. My dad's friend said they might be developing a natural talent. My dad glared at him. Yes. it is illegal. My dad said gently.

RICH DAD POOR DAD By- Robert Kiyosaki 002

For example,  my poor dad always said I'll never be rich and that prophecy became reality My rich dad, on the other hand, always referred to himself as rich.                                                                   Robert T. Kiyosaki   RICH DAD POOR DAD  He would say things like, I'm a rich man and rich people don't do this, even when he was flat broke after a major financial setback, he continued to refer to himself as a rich man She would cover himself by saying, there is a difference between being poor and being broke. Broke is temporary. Poor is eternal. My poor dad would say, I'm not interested in money, or money doesn't matter.  My rich dad always said, money is power The power of our thoughts may never be measured or appreciated, but it became obvious to me as a young boy that it was important to be aware of my thoughts and how I expressed myself. I noticed that my poor dad was poor, not because of the amount of money he earned, which was significant

RICH DAD POOR DAD By- Robert Kiyosaki 001

Richard what the rich teach their kids about money that the poor and middle class do not buy Robert T Kiyosaki to parents everywhere, a child's first and most important teachers, and to all those who educate influence and lead by example. Acknowledgements. How does a person say thank you when there are so many people to thank? Obviously this book is a thank you to my 2 fathers who were powerful role models and to my mom who taught me love and kindness. The person. most responsible for this book becoming a reality is my wife Kim, my partner in marriage, business and in life she makes my life complete. ROBERT  T. KIYOSAKI  Introduction. Rich dad Poor dad  Having two dads offered me the choice of Contrasting points of view, one of a rich man and one of a poor man. I had. two fathers, a rich one and a poor one. 1 was highly educated and intelligent. He had APHD and completed four years of undergraduate work in less than two years. He then went on to Stanford University,  the University

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Autobiography 05

 Breaking along silence, the defense minister finally asked me, Kalam, what would you like me to do to celebrate the Agni success tomorrow?  What did I want? What was it that I did not have? What could make me happier? And then I found the answer. We need 100,000 saplings to plant. I said, his face lit up with a friendly clue. You are buying the blessings of Mother Earth for Agni, the Defense Minister quit. We will succeed tomorrow. The next day, Agni took off at 7:10 hours. It was a perfect launch. The missile followed a textbook trajectory. All flight parameters were night. It was like waking up to a beautiful morning from a nightmarish sleep. We at least the launch plan after five years of continuous work like multiple words. to the ordeal of a series of snacks in the last five weeks. We had survived pressure from different things. but we had done it at last. It was one of the greatest longest in my life. A mere 600 seconds of elegant flight washed off our entire fatigue in an insta

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Autobiography 04

I joined the RDL on the first of June 1982 to the horror of many old timers. I started inviting people from the Indian Institute of science, Indian Institutes of Technology, Council for scientific and industrial research. Tata Institute of fundamental research and many other educational institutions were related experts could be found by. fact that the stuffy work centers of DRDL needed a breath of fresh air. I made a presentation in the South block, although some questions are ambitious proposal. Everyone was excited about the idea of India having her own missile systems. When the defense Minister, R Venkatram, suggested that we launch an integrated guided missile program instead of making missiles in phases, we could not believe our ears. The proposal of missile development project had been turned overnight into the blueprint of an integrated program with far reaching consequences. When I presented the government sanction letter before the missile Technology Committee at DRDL, they w