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Showing posts from October, 2023


 LIFE STORY OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA | CPMPLETE BIOGRAPHY PART -4 The Colombian Exposition and Chicago in 1893.  Vivekananda left bombing on 31st of May, 1893 and reached Chicago on 30th of July via Colombo. Penal, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canton, Nagasaki, Kubi, Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Yokohama, Vancouver and Winnipeg. Soon after his arrival in Chicago, he went to the Information Bureau of the Exposition and heard some heart trending news. The forthcoming parliament of religions would not. open before the second week of September, no one without credentials from a bonafide organization would be accepted as a delegate.  And the date to be registered as a delegate had passed. Moreover, he knew no one in Chicago and did not have sufficient money to pay the exorbitant hotel charges. He managed to stay in Chicago for nearly two weeks and observed the world's fair, which hadn't arranged in connection with the 400th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America Mary Lewis Burke states the


 LIFE STORY OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA | CPMPLETE BIOGRAPHY PART -4 The Colombian Exposition and Chicago in 1893.  Vivekananda left bombing on 31st of May, 1893 and reached Chicago on 30th of July via Colombo. Penal, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canton, Nagasaki, Kubi, Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Yokohama, Vancouver and Winnipeg. Soon after his arrival in Chicago, he went to the Information Bureau of the Exposition and heard some heart trending news. The forthcoming parliament of religions would not. open before the second week of September, no one without credentials from a bonafide organization would be accepted as a delegate.  And the date to be registered as a delegate had passed. Moreover, he knew no one in Chicago and did not have sufficient money to pay the exorbitant hotel charges. He managed to stay in Chicago for nearly two weeks and observed the world's fair, which hadn't arranged in connection with the 400th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America Mary Lewis Burke states the


LIFE STORY OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA | CPMPLETE BIOGRAPHY PART -3  Last days, Victory Ramakrishna Ramakrishna was a wonderful teacher and he taught more by the silent influence of his inner life. Then by words, or even by personal example, to live with him, demanded of the disciple, purity of thought, humility, truthfulness and renunciation. He acted as a father, mother and friend to his young disciples.  He would joke and have fun with them. And at the same time, remind them that the goal of human life is cordialization.  They learn from their master how to synthesize the 4 yoga pakp and Rajan. The harmony of religions, the true meaning of the scriptures and the worship of God in human beings. One day at that agewell, when the Master was seated in his room, he talked about the three salient disciplines of the Vaishnav Religion. Love of God's name, compassion for all living beings and service to the devotees. Repeating the word compassion, he went into Samadhi. After a while, he returne


 LIFE STORY OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA | CPMPLETE BIOGRAPHY PART -2 In the beginning, it was hard for Narendra to accept the no dualistic view that everything is really brahman, because he was then a staunch follower of the Brahma Samachi, which taught a theistic philosophy. He said to the master. it is blasphemous, for there is no difference between such philosophy and atheism. There is no greater sin in the world than to think of oneself as identical with the creator. I am God. You are god. These created things are God What can be more absurd? The sieges who wrote such things must have been insane The Master didn't mind.  Narendra's outspokenness at all. He smiled and said, you may not accept the views of these years, but how can you abuse them or limit God's infinite? Go on praying to the god of truth and believe in any aspect of his that he reveals to you. But then, while chatting with Hajra at Dakshineswar, Narendra ridiculed the Vedantic experience of Oneness. How can this


 Life story of Swami Vivekananda from the book God lived with them by Swami Jaitananda. Do you see a light when you are falling asleep? Yes. I do. Doesn't everyone.  LIFE STORY OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA | CPMPLETE BIOGRAPHY PART -1 The boy's voice was filled with water. So after they first met, Sri Rama Krishna asked Narendra this question. His. reply provided the master with a deep insight into the past. The nature and the destiny of this remarkable youngster who would later become Swami Vivekananda. In Vivekananda's adult years, he himself described this supernormal faculty. from the earliest time that I can remember, I used to see a marvelous point of life between my eyebrows. As soon as I shut my eyes to go to sleep. And I used to watch its various changes with great attention. That marvelous point of flight would change colors and get bigger until it took the form of a ball. Finally it would burst and cover my body from head to foot with white liquid light As soon as that h

The History of Nalanda University

 In our culture, we used to learn at Gurukul's that used to concentrate moral life skills with academics. For advanced studies,  the universities like Takshashila, Vikram Shila, Sharada, Pita, Nalanda helped. So how did Nalanda University come into existence?  Guptas, known for their futuristic thinking, built over small, early establishments that were constructed in the Morian Empire by an Ashoka the great India. has witnessed many great kings and kingsmen.  The Great Poet Khalid Assa in his book Raghu Amsham has mentioned a lot about Guptas that has inspired many historians to take a peek into this golden period of Indian history. Besides that, there are a lot of historical facts to support this, including the archeological department and literally sources. While the archeological department has excavated coins and a lot of inscriptions from the period, the literary sources like Karidasa's place, Devi Chandrakant Mudra Raksha Katika and some documentation from Fahi Huen Saath